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Author Topic: Throttle  (Read 15709 times)


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« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: Not Available has the largest selection of bowling balls
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Weight Rg Differential Rg
16 lb. 2.519 0.057
15 lb. 2.548 0.057
14 lb. 2.583 0.057
Total Hook Hook Potential
(in Oil) (Dry Backends)
57 36 21

Color:Crimson/Purple/Bronze w/Yellow Logo
Finish: Smooth
Track Flare: 4-6
Available Weights: 16,15,14,13,12

Cam Shaft Core Triple flip block core design which provides optimum energy release at the break point.
MuscleGT Larger solid additive produces maximum friction in heavy oil with a continuous arcing backend motion.


Jeff Mop

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Re: Throttle
« Reply #1 on: June 29, 2003, 03:58:03 PM »

Ok, now that I got that out of the way, I'll get into some more detail.  My Throttle had a 4" pin to CG distance and 3 3/4 top weight before drilling.  I chose to put the pin above the bridge, with the centerline touching the left edge of the pin...about 1" above the fingers.  The CG is directly across from the center of grip 2 inches.  Final specs are 5 1/4 X 3 1/2, with the pin 3 3/4" above grip center.  Knowing the Throttle has a high differential and creates flare easily, I put a 1" weight hole at 4 1/4 inches from grip center (my axis is 5 1/2") 1 1/2" deep in order to get the ball to roll up and straighten out easier.  After shining it up with Finesse-It II, it was off to the lanes.

Bowled in a house I'd never been to before (was on my way home) - AMF HPL synthetics - Lanes had a ton of oil.  The first shot I threw went dead straight.  The second shot moved a little.  After those two shots, the Throttle was reading the lanes incredibly (think it was just two shots to get the surface shine off a touch).  I was able to get the ball to roll up easily and it crushed the racks, even with the incredible amount of juice on the lanes.  I can't imagine how much hook there would be leaving the ball dull.

Since the Throttle flares so much, I would not recommend putting a strong drill pattern on it unless the bowler has no hand at all.  A strong pin position would probably be overkill for anyone else.  The ball is so strong that any medium drill pattern is more than acceptable for most lane conditions.  The Throttle makes a profound direction change and it is very easy to see the breakpoint.  Adjustments are also made easier becuase the ball doesn't play tricks on your eyes like some others do.  The combination of power and predictability is perfect.


Columbia bowls the world over


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Re: Throttle
« Reply #2 on: July 23, 2003, 01:07:26 PM »
I have to agree with Jeff on this one.  This ball flat out HOOKS.  I left mine dull and drilled it with pin under my ring finger, cg kicked out at a 45 degree angle.  Was about a 3 inch pin.  Also drilled a weighthole to balance it out as it had nearly 3 ounces of top weight.

Very early rolling and surprisingly very continuous.  The Throttle just does NOT want to rollout.  It hits like a champ!!!  I find this ball works best when I send it to the ditch.  It does lose some hit when I get inside and play at the pocket (probably the drilling), but have yet to try a down and in shot with it.  My Tuesday league this fall will give me that opportunity as they put an absolute puddle in the middle, so we'll see how it carries then.  But for now, I'm VERY impressed with the new Throttle from Columbia.

Giving an early grade of 95%.  I think this will be my go-to ball on house patterns!

Famous Last Words of a Pot Bowler--"Ok, but this is my last game!"

BuddiesProShopcom - Bill

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Re: Throttle
« Reply #3 on: August 13, 2003, 08:30:11 PM »
We have drilled a couple cases of these balls for a variety of our pro shop customers, and these balls flat out rev up and hook.

Two stroker style bowlers bowl on a condition with 48 foot of oil and very heavy across the whole lane. The bowlers with the Throttle were able to get the ball to make a turn when everyone else was going much straighter.

We found the ball to get down the lane further than most super aggressive particle balls and give more backend than expected.

I think that this is the most aggressive Columbia ball to date, and will out hook almost anything on the market right now.

Any questions, please email me
"The Place All Bowlers Shop"
"The Place All Bowlers Shop"


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Re: Throttle
« Reply #4 on: August 18, 2003, 07:31:01 PM »
This is definitely a heavy oil ball.

I polished mine with Black Magic's "Active Attack" prior to drilling. The ball surface looked too dull for anything in our state.

I've thrown this ball on five versions of medium, two versions of dry, and one type of heavy oil.

On the three mediums, the ball played clean up the balls with a flat-push. It also played a swing shot very well. (The ball bleeds as you get past the 35, but you can spin it more to delay axis migration.)

The coolest thing about this ball: the pseudo-heavy oil.

There's a house on this island that strips maybe once every 4-6 weeks; let's call it Kalihi Bowl. Because of the decision to not strip regularly, the lanes appear to have 58-ft of oil. Not feeling in the mood to point 5-12, I decided to take the Throttle to this shot.

After 15 frames a shot began to develop. Instead of playing 15 to the 13, I was able to move into the 19 and swing out to the 12 board. My friend who was practicing with me commented "wow, there's a shot inside now!"

In any event, here's the can assessment:

Heavy: 22 of 24 cans. (This is the hookingest ball that I own.)

Medium-Heavy: 23.5 of 24 cans. (I think that it would get 24 if the ball had a nicer look on the back. I can't get over it looking like it won't finish.)

Medium: 20 cans. I have other balls that work better for this condition. (Namely the Throttle-R.)

Medium-light: 16 cans.

Light: Don't bother.

All-in-all, this may be the best heavy-oil ball that Columbia has made to date. The problems encountered with prior Columbia heavy-oil balls do not seem present with this one. (No "Roll"-out; no "Arc" in the heads)

If you're looking for an oil ball, buy a Throttle.


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Re: Throttle
« Reply #5 on: August 20, 2003, 02:22:46 AM »
Sick Hook!

I've never thrown a ball this aggressive in my life. Unfortunately the lanes were on the dry side.  I stood all the way left and shot for my ten pin and the ball hooked back strong and then rolled hard into the pocket.  This wasn't a fair test but I would guess this ball would be great on flooded lanes.  My Freak and Eliminator seemed like spare balls next to this hook monster. I took the ball home and put it in the spinner and brought it up to a 2000 grit polish - the out of box finish will not be useful unless someone opens the flood gates.   I have league tomorrow so we'll see how it rolls.  I'm averaging 218 on that league so if the conditions aren't right I will have to wait to test it.  This ball is fun to have and doesn't quit even on dry lanes. My drilling is medium agressive and my house is synthetic with s flood in the middle and strong backends.  One thing I noticed is that this ball has some cool colored swirls in it for a solid ball. Definetely a great ball but condition specific with a box finish.  Ok Here is the follow up. I've yet to throw thr Throttle on heavy oil but I did get to throw a dozen games on medim oiled lanes.  The results are great. The Throttle reads the midlanes well and agressively hits the pocket killing the pins.  I was able to swing this ball or throw it up the boards.  It hits hard, keeps the pins low on impact and carries everything.  I think this ball is a winner.


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Re: Throttle
« Reply #6 on: August 21, 2003, 03:55:56 AM »
I just got back from league and was able to use my Throttle for the first game. I shot 236.  I shined the cover with 2,000 grit polish and the ball was still too much for the lanes I was on. The ball rolled strong into the pocket and even though the lanes were not flooded the ball never rolled out.  The Throttle just kept coming. It was a look I never had seen before on the lanes. I left a few tenpins and then switched to a less agressive ball. This is a very conditon specific ball. It wants oil.   If you have slow ball speed then you better forget this ball. Use a mellow drilling and then watch this ball crush the pins.  The pins stayed low upon impact.

Update:  I've got quite a few games on this ball now.  I had to polish the cover but now it gets down the lane and hits hard on medium conditions.  I really like this ball and am glad I got it.  It allows me to play deep and swing the ball.  This ball will really open up the lanes for you.  Just remember that the box finish is probably way to agressive for any condition you will ever see.

Oahu Bowler

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Re: Throttle
« Reply #7 on: August 21, 2003, 06:52:40 AM »
15lbs 3oz tw, 3" pin.  drilled stacked leverage.  pap is around 5"> 13/16^.  ball speed was around 18mph.  anyhow, i tried the ball on 3 different lane conditions.  if you dont have oil on the heads, forget it.  so, i will give my review as it pertains to the condition it was made for.  kona bowl:  10-10 wall with decent backends.  this ball revs up fast and creates plenty of flare.  scores for those that want to know... 201, 244, 244.  left the ball in its out of box condition.  reaction was a nice gradual arc unless i got it too far right.  then the ball turns over kind of hard.  best shot was to get in rolling in the oil and bounce it off the dry.  i am extremely impressed with the roll and hit the throttle delivers.

as far as using it on anything less than well oiled lanes, i  wouldnt advise it.  if you have decent revs and ball speed, this ball may work well for you.  i am awaiting my throttle/r to see how well it performs at the other houses i bowl at.

aloha, dale


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Re: Throttle
« Reply #8 on: October 26, 2003, 01:33:48 AM »
This ball hits like a train. I went from a White Dot to this and I had to get used to it, but I'm now adding 40 pins to my average just by using this ball and working on my release. I can really open up the lane on oily conditions with this ball and the best part is I don't have to worry about it getting away from me too much with this coverstock. Unlike the plastic balls, its got bite.



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Re: Throttle
« Reply #9 on: December 25, 2003, 02:29:50 AM »
The Throttle is a ball that will be able to open up the lane for everyone that bowls.  I have had the ball sanded with 1200 grit sandpaper and it still hooks a ton.  On a typical house shot it is probably more hook then anyone will need unless you want to hook the entire lane.  If you find a shot with a lot of oil this ball will work perfectly fine.  With a 1200 grit sanded I was able to play from 15 to 8 on a 42 foot heavy oil sport shot while everyone else was playing straight up the boards.  If you are looking for a ball to hook like crazy this is the ball for you.


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Re: Throttle
« Reply #10 on: December 29, 2003, 12:28:32 AM »
I picked up this ball for playing the heavy oil in the middle of the lanes when the outside is producing over/under.  It is as Columbia says!  Works well up the boards and able to swing it slightly (heavy middle oil!)  I am a tweener the ball is 15# with 3 1/4 top and 4 inch pin.  Drilled leverage.  Carries the corners well gets into a roll and keeps on rolling.  Would recommend to anyone who has oil to play on.
Strike0 - I love the game!!


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Re: Throttle
« Reply #11 on: January 08, 2004, 02:01:58 PM »
I've read a few reviews of this ball and it seems like a lot of people are making the mistake of sanding this ball. I shot a 754 with mine after having it for about 2 weeks. I wanted to freshen it up for a tournament and had it sanded to out of the box condition. What a mistake. It moved even less than it did with oil accumulated on it. After getting some oil built back up on it, it started to be the monster that it was before. My suggestion would be to leave the finish of this ball alone. If it's too much hook, I don't see a problem putting a little shine on it, but I would not recommend sanding this ball at all.


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Re: Throttle
« Reply #12 on: February 17, 2004, 06:54:31 PM »
If you want to roll iron gun core, please try Trottle! Or Turtle ?)). Very high RG index make its hard to rev even for Jason Couch (smile)!!!


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Re: Throttle
« Reply #13 on: February 23, 2004, 01:23:55 PM »
this ball hooks. I throw a 20 mph ball speed with allot of revs. I have this ball drilled with the pin 2 inches out. I would suggest this ball to anyone. I use it on a 43 foot christmas tree pattern. it will pull out of the oil. I throw this ball over the 15th board and break at the 4th board. all I can say is wow.


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Re: Throttle
« Reply #14 on: March 02, 2004, 11:53:28 PM »
I've read all the reviews of this ball,but no one seems to have had this ball as long or hasn't thrown as many games with it as i have. After oh i'd say 200-250 games the ball is soaked she won't turn that corner like she did. If this is happening to you try what I did to remedey this sun bake it for about half an hour then wipe it down and repeat process one more time and she'll come back to life.