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Author Topic: Throttle UP  (Read 11879 times)


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Throttle UP
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
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Throttle Up
On fire! Our new Throttle Up lets ’r rip with unforgiving power and control, createing pin action that’s a gas! It’s what you’d expect from the high-speed, polished MuscleGT coverstock. And that’s just for starters. The Cam Shaft core fuels the flames with a higher Rg (2.52) and lower differential (0.048) to rev later down the track. Face it. Throttle Up dominates the road, exploding straight down the middle with its eyes on the prize. Competition’s in the ashes.

Ball Specifications-
Core Technology: Cam Shaft Core

Core Technology Benefits: Triple flip block core design which provides optimum energy release at the break point.

Coverstock: MuscleGT

Coverstock Benefit: Larger solid additive produces maximum friction in heavy oil with a continuous arcing backend motion.

Hardness: 75-78

ABC/WIBC Approved: Yes

Track Flare: 4-5

Color: Blue/Orange with Neon Orange Engraving

Hook Rating
Overall Hook: 54
Hook Oil: 28
Hook Dry: 26


Jeff Mop

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Re: Throttle UP
« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2003, 07:21:45 PM »
The Throttle UP has the same coverstock as the original Throttle (MuscleGT) but it comes with a factory polished finish out of the box.  The core is the same however the differential has been lowered and the RG raised giving less flare and more length.  Combined with the polished particle coverstock, this ball gets through the heads very well.  I think it's more of a rolly ball than a flippy ball, but I think the drill pattern you use can swing it more to one way or the other quite well.

In throwing the Throttle UP I notice that if you yank it too far into the oil, it has a bit of trouble turning the corner due to the polished finish, however if you make sure you either 1) get it into the dry or 2) don't overthrow it, this ball performs and carries exceptionally well.

The Throttle UP makes an excellent ball to go to when the lanes start to break down and your Throttle or Hyde are too much ball too early.  Just move a board or two back to the right and you can get a really nice, smooth, powerful, hard-hitting reaction from the Throttle UP.


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Paul in Holland

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Re: Throttle UP
« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2004, 05:37:06 AM »
Mixed impressions so far.

Had it drilled and tried it out on synthetic - somewhat dry for the house - and could throw it straight along 5th board (a little inside to outside maybe) and it would turn nicely into the pocket. Hitting the drier boards to the right made it recover nicely.

Then to my homelanes. These are feared by many bowlers. Wooden lanes, shortish oil with a flat pattern so that later on the outsides of the lanes are wetter than inside. Ball does not like the outside of the lane at all and simply refuses to turn to the pocket. An inside line, 10th drifting out a bit and holding the ball to a medium break worked well BUT... somehow I did not get the carry to force the strikes. A wider angle did not work at all and a tighter line gave me splits.
Also, after some time the ball died out in the carry-down so I switched to another ball.

So far, I think this ball will work better on synthetic lanes - for me at least.

Paul in Holland

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Re: Throttle UP
« Reply #3 on: February 16, 2004, 05:26:47 AM »
Time for a follow up.

In fact this ball is OK on my home lanes as long as there is no carry down. First time I used it there was just a problem day with the lane condition. But with carry down on the lanes I'd rather throw something else. The only problem I have now is that I get too much break on the ball resulting in a bit of wood left in random places and danger of leaving the 4-9 when it hits a bit too high.


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Re: Throttle UP
« Reply #4 on: March 10, 2004, 03:37:48 PM »
I drilled my throttle UP a few weeks ago and the results have been tremendous.  I have shot 731, 729 and 763 and I have a 290 and several 270's.  The ball needs to get into the dry to really work.  If it doesn't get into the dry, it is 2-8-10 city.  I bowl on synthetic lanes, on late leagues so the oil is all sloppy.  I shot my 763 swinging the ball and the 290 and the other two 700's playing a much tighter line outside.  

  I cannot describe the layout very well - The pin is two inches up and right of my ring finger and the cg is in a strong position off the center of my palm.

  I think that I want a throttle now for when there is more oil, but I am very impressed with my throttle UP!


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Re: Throttle UP
« Reply #5 on: March 11, 2004, 03:48:15 PM »
Hi my name is Darrin and i've been bowling for about 5 or 6 years. I'm 16 and i just bought the Throttle Up. Since then my game has improved a great deal, from my 180 something average to just above a 205. For the way i have it drilled with the pin placement jsut above and to the right of my ringfinger it works wonders in the oil. On Feb 8th i was bowling on my traveling league and we were at a nice house with synthetic lanes. With the Throttle Up that i had bought maybe 3 or 4 weeks before i rolled an 842 series with a 300 as the second game. This ball will wait till the end of the lane before it reacts if you adjust to the lanes correctly, it was hitting the pocket like a ton of bricks consistantly...its amazing. But if it slides too much for you then jsut get the Throttle, the dull version of it.


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Re: Throttle UP
« Reply #6 on: May 05, 2004, 07:29:17 PM »
I am not a big Columbia fan and when a good friend of mine bought the Throttle Up with a gift certificate he got for his birthday I chided him for his choice. However, I write this review with foot firmly in mouth; I threw his ball in practice one day and it has been my first ball out of the locker (his locker, to be exact) every day since.

The ball is 15 pounds with the pin about 1.5 or 2 inches dead right of the ring finger. CG I believe is near the bottom of my palm in the center. I wasn't there when they drilled it and I don't know much about layouts anyway, but I do know that this ball rips. The first month I used it - last October - I averaged a little over 700 for the 4 weeks of classic league I bowled (my average is about 215 most of the time). I have a lot of hand and bowl fast (usually 17.5 miles an hour but I can pop up to 19 when the lanes are getting dry). Using my high speed and a variety of hand positions I can often use this ball all night, starting out really ripping it and ending up moving deeper, speeding up, or hitting the ball a bit less.

This ball does best for me on medium or oily lanes with some dry to the outside - great ball for a typical house shot. It doesn't like carrydown and I have to swing it more and hit it harder to fight through patchy lanes, which can get you in trouble. Also, like many Columbia balls, this one does wear down and needs to be kept pristine. Didn't die as fast as an Icon but it does lose some pop after a bit of use. Still, if you take care of the Throttle Up and have a bit of versatility and power, it can rip racks for you on a lot of different conditions.

I carried better with this ball at 15 pounds than I did with my 16# X-Factor (after putting a lot of games on that great ball, but still) because I can throw it harder and as a result deal with dryer conditions better. This prompted me to buy all my equipment at 15 from now on. The only time I have carry issues with this ball is when the backends are wet or I'm really swinging it and struggling to get to the hole; then I leave ten pins all night and put this ball away. You can tell very quickly when you can't play a good angle with this ball and should lock it up when this happens. Otherwise, fire away!


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Re: Throttle UP
« Reply #7 on: June 21, 2004, 03:11:31 AM »
This ball was my first true high performance ball. It upped my average from a dismal 159 to a 203. Since, I personally have become more fond of Brunswick balls, but there will always be a spot in my bag for this baby. I primarily use this it when the lanes start to dry up. I throw a down and in ball from about five boards from the right so its an outside line all the way. This ball also has a great reaction when I have to loft to get over those funky lane conditions. I recommend this ball to anyone who likes to either project, put alot of forward roll on the ball, or throws slow with a big hook. I love this ball. P.S. I've bowled on sport conditions only once and it was with this ball. I had a 195, 225, 189 for a 609 series. I was delighted with its performance and I plan to use it in more conditions with flat oil, straight down.


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Re: Throttle UP
« Reply #8 on: September 17, 2004, 05:02:20 PM »
This ball is awsome out of box...
hits like no other...
but after 80 games...
is almost dead...
many people says the same of this ball
with muscle GT. (original throtlle and T.UP)

i`ve tried shine and dull...
but is is still dead...

what happen with columbia300 shells??
selling 5-6 month balls....
columbia 300 have to give some warranty...
about this...

Take care of yours!
play just one game per night...
just for keep it longer...

Knowledge is power


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Re: Throttle UP
« Reply #9 on: February 14, 2005, 06:42:14 PM »
     I had it used with 20-30 games on it from a lefty. Im a righty. I resurfaced it with diamond cutters and then brought it up to 600 grit, polished. Its drilled at 45 degree with the cg in the palm and the pin up and to the right of my ring finger, 3.5 inch pin. Origionally, i didnt weight it up, stupid me, and it used it and saw that it was rolling at the arroms and was in the left gutter before the pins. So i put this bad boy away. I decided to have my boss weigh it up, and BAM, i had 0 top weight lol. So i drilled out a 1 3/8 inch hole 3.5 inches deep to give some top weight.
     Now, this ball is my best friend. I practiced with it today, let me tell u how it did. On the right lane, i had to play up second and dial out my hand, meaning put no hand into it, let the ball do what it wants to do, and i was gettin great carry and nice pocket shots. On the left i was swinging it from the left gutter over the middle arrow over to the 10 or so board, and this ball just fliped over and came right back.

287 high game
 808 high series (3 games)


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Re: Throttle UP
« Reply #10 on: March 07, 2005, 03:37:21 PM »
15lb 4 in pin 3.25 oz top weight drilled for instant roll.  Used on old wooden lanes and when oil is present very hard hitting ball.  When the oil is going get house ball its toast.  Very good ball
doesnt look like im in kansas anymore toto


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Re: Throttle UP
« Reply #11 on: June 22, 2005, 10:51:48 PM »
Picked this ball up from D Pat whom I bowl with. Very nice arcing reaction. Shot 257 first game with it. Medium length with a stunning reaction to the pocket. Just an update, shot 268 with it today in practice. This ball doesn't die either. Someone reviewed it and said it dies. I got it used with like over 100 games on it. I just clean it after every 3 games like I do all my equipment. Great ball.
UPDATE! First day w/out wrist guard in league shot 709 (234,227,248).
Dig the snap. Believe the results: Less 10 pins.


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Re: Throttle UP
« Reply #12 on: May 27, 2006, 01:11:15 AM »
Im the son of Kr 300 i have the throttle up and this ball is amazing.
i got the ball for stack leverage and max hook.
when i use this ball it rolls very strong but controlable
If you blame the lane conditions for your bad scores, then you had better thank them for your good ones!!
If you blame the lane conditions for your bad scores, then you had better thank them for your good ones!!