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Author Topic: Total Bedlam  (Read 13694 times)


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Total Bedlam
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
- Color: Purple Pearl/Orange/Blue Pearl All colors do vary somewhat from the picture shown.
- Core: Bedlam V.2.0 (asymmetric)
- Veneer: FULL TILT 6.0
- Surface: 500, 500, 500, 4000 Abralon
- Hook Rating: Oil-49 Backend-35
- RG: 16#-2.54, 15#-2.53, 14#-2.49
- Diff: 16#-.052, 15#-.055, 14#-.054
- Reaction: Hook Monster
- Recommended Lane Condition: Heavy Oil
- Description: A new coverstock, a new finish, and a new core make the Total Bedlam the Bedlam’s perfect complement. The asymmetrical Bedlam Version 2.0 core will drive this ball to hook earlier, while the Full Tilt 6.0 coverstock that has been sanded with 500 and then 4000 grit Abralon gives it enough traction to stay on the oiliest lanes for a dramatic move into the pocket.



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Re: Total Bedlam
« Reply #16 on: October 09, 2010, 08:09:22 PM »

Was never too fond of this ball in it's box finish. For whatever reason it just never rolled the way i liked. So i tossed it on the spinner and hit it on all 6 sides with a fresh 1000 pad. Never thought to use it on the ths but there was enough oil in the middle and heads to get it through the front. Surprisingly the ball got to about 40-45 ft and made a really strong arc. I was expecting a more early roll type reaction, but i guess the core helps it get all that length.
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Re: Total Bedlam
« Reply #17 on: April 14, 2012, 12:13:33 PM »

Length:  40 feet      


Volume:  Medium to light

Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc):  THS crown      



Likes:  Coverstock, angular break, hitting power      

Dislikes: can't think of any





Review starts here:


Bowler stats Rev Dominant lefty about 325.  When I'm over 15 at the pins it's all good, when I'm not.....  Heavy side roll between 60 and 70 degrees.  Pap out 5 1/2 up 1/4.


I am glad to have watched video so I could create what I wanted. Our local top hat which has a sharp transition from the side wet to dry.  My sharp backend often creates problems on this pattern when fresh so I'm often looking to tame balls down.


This very attractive ball that I don't believe was a top seller has a lot going for it!  Strong coverstock, lots of midlane and Lots of angular backend.  Knowing this, I reduced everything a little to get what I wanted.

Drilled 50 X 4.25 X 60 dual angle  Or 4.25 X 5 X 3 1/2(pin buffer).  I ended up pin down just to the left corner of my ring and the ball looking stacked.  Abralon 1000, 2000, and 3000 with Reacta Shine polish.


This ball gave me just what a I wanted where once the the shot blends out My 4 inch Pin to Pap  strong mass bias No Mercy Beaten can strike all day from 12 to the 4th arrow always heading at the 7 pin or wider!  This ball due to the weaker adjusted cover and pin down allows me to move back left and play a little straighter and still carry from inside due to the angular and pretty aggressive backend.  Stronger and slightly more angular at the back than my Cell with a similar drilling and weaker pin under ring drilling this ball I could see doing a lot of damage in this house.  When the cell has moved me inside and it's rounded backend(due to drilling) is pinging, I could see bringing this more angular monster out and carrying the rest of the night!


For me it goes No Mercy Beatn, , Icon 2, Total Bedlam then my polished weak pin Cell rated by how deep I play. To play this long oil house pattern for how deep I play.


Funny thing is the Total Bedlam attacks the pocket with a little more attack angle than my symmentric  pin on top of ring Icon2(more surface) even pin down!


For up the backers and 40 degree side rollers put your pin near the ring as far as North South and get all the midlane and angularity you can stand.  For Backend maximizers like my self put your pin down a little to mute the heavy angularity this ball can produce from inside. 


For all the power one can stand!: 

Leave the surface box, put the mass bias strong and this can be one of the strongest balls in your arsenal in every part of the lane, heads, midlane and in creating angular backend.


A powerhouse, I'm glad I muted it a bit!  Going to be a fantastic long top hat league ball.


By the way it is a hot looking ball that caught a lot of attention and looks great rolling down the lane!













It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana