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Author Topic: Total Chaos  (Read 12279 times)


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Total Chaos
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: Not Available has the largest selection of bowling balls
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The ball is the latest TEC (Texture Energy Control) ball designed to roll early with a strong break point. It features the first multi-colored TEC cover with microscopic balloons in the shell for added hook in oil. The ball design started with the highly successful Pulse core. A low density, internal puck was offset from the core center to create mass bias on the opposite side from the puck. This low-density puck also gives the advantage of creating more differential Rg from the original Pulse core. This increased differential Rg, along with the more aggressive TEC shell, results in the same early roll as the original Pulse, but with a sharper turn at the break point and more backend hook. The Total Chaos has a hook rating of 23.



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Re: Total Chaos
« Reply #1 on: April 03, 2000, 02:00:00 AM »
The Total Chaos is a good compliment to the Mass Chaos.  The Total arcs and continues to arc through the pocket.  On carrydown, the Total does very well, where the Mass will tend to skid through the breakpoint.  Both my Total and Mass are drilled 3 3/8 with the mass bias in the strong position.  I am very pleased with both of the balls, but I can see myself throwing the Total more often since I like balls that arc more than the skid-snap reaction.

L.D. Gray (Wu-Shu)

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Re: Total Chaos
« Reply #2 on: June 02, 2000, 02:00:00 AM »
I went to the ABC Nationals in Albuquerque, New Mexico and I needed a ball for the conditions that were being used, because my bowling balls that I brought were drilled for the house condition used in the Washingtion, DC area. I went to the Columbia Boot and met a Mr John DeBenedetta and he recommend that I should use a Total Chaos for the tournment. He laid the ball out in a leverage position (4x31/2x33/8)that was just GREAT.(Box Finish) Well I didn't shoot up to what I wanted to, but the ball was great when the operator release it correctly (Namely Me) When we arrived home two of my friends have since gone out and purchased the Total Choas. This is a very strong reacting ball, but stay away from the oil conditions of gutter to gutter and 45 ft. Good work Columbia Staff Members.

Paul Meyer

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Re: Total Chaos
« Reply #3 on: August 26, 2000, 02:00:00 AM »
Drilled my Total Chaos with the pin above fingers at 12 o'clock and the CG 2 inches from center of grip. Weight hole on PAP. Shined ball with Black Magic polish.  This is definitely worthy of the Pulse core. Excellent even arcing hard hitting ball. I have tended to find that this ball works the best for myself when I am playing the lanes straighter. I tended to lose some of the carry when I tried to loop the ball.


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Re: Total Chaos
« Reply #4 on: December 05, 2000, 06:37:05 PM »
When I first got this ball I had alot of problems. I polished this ball up and it made a world of differance. Columbia has a great product. I give it a 9.


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Re: Total Chaos
« Reply #5 on: July 06, 2001, 07:22:27 AM »
Drilled for strong handed lefty (see profile).

Picked up the Total Chaos on clearance partly because I was looking for something that would hook and partly because it was a steal.  

Enough about my bargain shopping, here's the scoop.

Specs:  Pin 5" out
        TW 1 1/2 oz.

After reading EVERY Total Chaos review here at ballreviews, I felt that this ball would be best drilled with an early hook/arc drilling.  The drill ended up like this:

Pin 5" from PAP (under ring finger)
Weight hole, CG on PAP
Mass bias on midline 1/2 inch past PAP.
Out of box finish

As you can imagine, this ball revs up pretty quick, but the pin placement tamed down the reaction.  I drilled this specifically for slick, sport-type conditions...a lot of hook, but controllable.  I got what I asked for.  This ball is SUPER on this type of shot.  The ball rolls great and makes a smooth arc.  However, this ball has a bit more recovery than I expected and HITS.  Bowling on 42 feet of pure soup, I was throwing scouts like I was on a house shot.  On the other hand, I tried it on the house shot and "ugh".  Let's just say it was too much ball, too early.

I don't see this ball coming out of the bag much, but I do see it coming out and causing "Chaos" when the oil comes out.  I read a review that compared this ball to a Pulse on steroids, I couldn't put it better myself.

Where are all my 2001-2006 posts?

C-G ProShop-Carl

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Re: Total Chaos
« Reply #6 on: May 29, 2003, 07:37:56 PM »
This ball was just below the Complete Chaos as far as my favorite.

Reacted very similiar to the Complete but with a few more feet in lenght and a little more versatile overall. It polished easier than any of the particle balls before it.

Positives to this ball were versatility, controllability, and readability.

Negatives were that I really liked it shined to about 1200 than dull. When it was dull it just didn't hit as well. Dull it was good, but had to be released more end over end.

Definately a 10. This would be the go to ball for most. I tried for a long time to replace it with something but never found anything like it.
Carl Hurd

Austintown Ohio (Wedgewood Lanes)

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Re: Total Chaos
« Reply #7 on: July 04, 2003, 04:18:47 PM »
Though about retiring this ball it seemed dead. Had it plugged and drilled in B/2 position on a 2" pinout

For me med rev lefty
this has worked well
May add hole to increase track flare leaving 4 pin with depressing regularity