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Author Topic: Wild  (Read 12160 times)


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« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: Not Available has the largest selection of bowling balls
Click here to shop.

Core Technology:Modified 3 Piece Core with high-density offset puck below the center.

Coverstock: Super-Flex

Hardness: 75-78

RG: 2.631

Differential: 0.030

Track Flare: 4-5 inches

Color: Red/Purple/Gold Pearl

Finish: Polished

Available Weights: 10,11,12,13,14,15,16 lbs


Mike Austin

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Re: Wild
« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2002, 12:59:41 AM »

The Wild is exactly that, Wild on the back end!  The first Wild I drilled was for a high rev, high speed customer.  Alex was looking for a ball to compliment his Gold Pearl Ti Messenger, something for when the lanes break down.

The ball had the pin out about 4 inches with 3.6 top weight before drilling.  Knowing what Alex was looking for, I put the pin over his fingers, about 1 inch or so with the cg under the pin in a 5 oclock position.  The grip was shifted directly left off the lable, as Alex is a low track player and I wanted the layout to be strong so he could make it turn the corner from deep inside.  Alex doesn't like playing this line, so I think a ball that gets down the lane better might help him.

This ball got down the lane very nice, better than the Gold Pearl Ti Messenger, but had so much back end, that it out hooked the Ti Messenger by 2-3 boards.  The hitting power was very good.  The problem is that the lanes were broken down that day, lots of open play, and had not been run for evening yet.  On Brunswick synthetics, this tends to make most balls react the same, or have to play the same part of the lane.  I think he will like this ball much more when he gets it to his home house which is wood.

For the price this ball performs very well!  It has easy, long length, with a hard back end motion.  For people on a budget this ball is great!  It has a similar weight block to the Scout/R, but doesn't have the mica in the shell the Scout/R has, therefore it has better length.  Goes as long as the Pearl Beast, but has more back end.

For the straighties, this will be a dry lane ball for sure.  For the tweeners, I think this ball would be best suited to dry lanes, as there are better choices for medium lane conditions.  The boomers will probably use this for drier lanes also, as it could be too squirty on mediums and way too long on fresh.  Boomers might need to mellow this ball out for dry lanes, using a weaker layout.

Mike Austin
Mike Austin's Precision Pro Shop
Houston, TX
Mike Austin's Bowling Dynamix Pro Shops
Inside Emerald Bowl
Inside Tomball Bowl
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Re: Wild
« Reply #2 on: June 02, 2002, 09:04:41 PM »
I have been breaking in a Wild for the last three weeks. It is pretty impressive the way the pins stay low and head for the pit. I am a lefty and throw from the 25 to the ten and the break point is true and slams to the pocket. I have used it on just about all conditions and I find it hard this is rated med to dry. I use a 45 degree release and have not had to adjust to much except one session when it was after the last shift. The lanes were toast and I had to go with a zero release, still hit hard. Only downer is if it gets nosy, splits big time.

Zach Cauthron

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Re: Wild
« Reply #3 on: June 18, 2002, 07:16:25 PM »
I got this ball drilled max backend and it doesn't like oil. It is a very light hooking ball but when you put this ball on dry it does it's name Wild. It hits extremely hard on dry but on oil this ball suffers. I am giving this ball a 9 1/2 and thanks Charlie's Pro Shoppe.


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Re: Wild
« Reply #4 on: September 26, 2002, 07:39:57 AM »
Got this ball to compliment my Wicked which has a tendancy to hook a little early when the oil starts to go.  It's drilled with the pin above the fingers and the cg kicked out to the right with a small weight hole (5x3&3/4).  This ball is Phenomenal.  It goes a little longer than the Wicked and hooks a little less but the carry is just as good if not better.  Shot 238-227-237-702 last night with it and only left 1 10-pin and 1 4-pin (missed them both).  This ball sends pins flying like I have never seen before.  This ball reminds me of the Spirit but has a little more back end.  I would definately recommend this ball to anyone.  The price is definately right and it gets the job done.  Definate 10/10.


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Re: Wild
« Reply #5 on: December 29, 2002, 06:07:48 PM »
I bought this ball to have something else to throw at unpredictable conditions where I have over/under problems.

I expected a mild reaction in dry and no reaction in oil.  Close but WRONG.  First shot ball slid down 50 ft and acted like it was gonna keep going, then made the sharpest turn of any ball Ive ever thrown, went way brooky.  This ball clears the heads (if there is oil) but man when it touches the dry, look out.

I shot several games starting on completely fresh lanes with perfectly clean back ends.  Light to medium oil.  I dont have huge hand and with the backends clean I had to stand on the 35 and throw this out to the 10 and back to get it to stay on the left side.  It held a line like that for about two games then I had to start moving as the oil played down.  By the 5th game I was throwing straight down the 7 board with a nice reaction in the back, still snappy but a little more controlled.

This ball clearly wont hang with oil.  But it is very very snappy once it touches the dry.

Ill post again after I use it in the house I bought it for (unpredictable flood/spotty).


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Re: Wild
« Reply #6 on: January 20, 2003, 12:10:58 AM »
As long as I have been bowling I should know more about my drill pattern but I will forego the explanation and say that I simply love this ball.  It's the most versatile ball I have in my bag right now, (Storm Boost, Storm Too Hot, Storm Big Hit).  I can play straight up 5 or cross 2 boards when the lanes break down.  

I guess I should be able to analyze my own drill specs since I hold a 200+ average and have a few 300 games under my belt.  I just don't want to make this game more complicated than it is.


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Re: Wild
« Reply #7 on: July 07, 2003, 03:40:12 PM »
Very good ball used mostly for spares.  Had it drilled to tame the backend a little bit (which was probably a mistake seeing as how the backend is the main selling point of this ball).  Found that it is a very good down and in ball when the lanes are toasted and there's still a little bit of out of bounds outside.  A two inch crack formed right under the ring finger so my driller has the ball now else I'd be able to tell you pin/cg placement (envision if you will that it is drilled to go long and be fairly tame on the backend)

The taming of the backend caused a loss in hitting power on some occasions but only if there was some sort of carrydown in the backends...if they were flying, so were the pins.
Andrew Loose
Illinois State University Men's Team
Just because you can, doesn't mean you should


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Re: Wild
« Reply #8 on: April 09, 2005, 06:27:05 PM »
I personally bought this ball for my strikes at the time. It didn't work so well. So i started using this ball for far right shots since i happen to be a left handed bowler, Some reason the ball got drilled right handed when i was getting it drilled one day so anyway. I have gotten a lot of bowling balls after this ball but I had used that ball to bowl my 226 on league last year which was a nice day for me :-D. but after that day, i really noticed the ball had a big hook on it, so i decided to use my old U2 ball for my strikes and just the other month, i got it redrilled finally and the day after i came out with a 300 but after that game i went to my wild ball for a changed oil pattern to still hit a close 200 game. The wild ball is for really nice backend and i really nice hit. I recommend this ball to anyone.

BR Likes Giant Coc

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Re: Wild
« Reply #9 on: February 09, 2006, 10:43:00 PM »
very good ball. i havent used it in ages and i already sold it but since im here and bored, time for some review. This ball hold pocket pretty well and is a very SMOOTH ball for me. i couldnt do as much with it as i could..say..a Track Slash....but it still hit the pocket well. anyone who wants a good medium-dry lane ball, come getcha wilds right here!
There's a Storm Brewing on the FasTrack.


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Re: Wild
« Reply #10 on: February 10, 2006, 01:48:32 AM »
I thought about writing this my opinion on this ball weeks ago, but because its an old ball didn't think anyone would be interested, but since CrankerMaassacre wrote his review I'm going to write a little about it.
till now, its one of the best medium-dry oil ball I used, drilled 3.8" Pin above ring finger, it roll nice, and has a very good backend reaction, I don't have to worry when I play in dry conditions , it wont over hook at all, Its the perfect ball for a real beginners, I recommend it as a first ball for a beginner playing in the conditions I mentioned.
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Re: Wild
« Reply #11 on: May 28, 2006, 04:43:20 AM »
Check Profile for Personal Specs.

Ball: Columbia Flipside Wild 15#  (pin in)
Drilling:  Pin right below fingers.  maybe a 1/4 inch to the right of the midline if that.  Cg stacked right on top.
Surface Prep:  Box
Games on ball:  over 1,000 easy (yes thats 1,000)

This was an absolutely AMAZING ball.  Ball could be used on anything less than Medium-heavy oils.  on sloppy lane conditions the ball would have a very even arc to it.  something I've never seen in a 3-piece, and with this weak of cover.  if you happened to get on fresh conditions, the ball would have an amazing ability to recover from almost anywhere when other balls are having huge problems doing anything.  

The Wild was by far the best carrying ball I have ever thrown.  If you hit the headpin expect a strike.  I tripped out more 2 pins 4 pins, and sent more messengers at 10 pins with this ball than any other ball I have rolled.  and the funny thing is, you don't really hear the ball hit the pocket, its not this big loud crush like you hear from some balls, the ball just hits, and all the pins fall, kinda hard to explain. I've only had that experience with the Gargoyles from Visionary.

Honor scores with this ball (if you even care) 3 800s (1 sanctioned 2 unsanctioned) 2 300s (1 sanctioned 1 not) 1 299 1 298

overall, it was the best 80 bucks I've ever spent.  I just can't explain how much of a hidden Gem this ball was.  WAY TO GO COLUMBIA have to give this ball a PERFECT 10 outta 10.
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"If you compare yourself with others,
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Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans."

Taken from Desiderata

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