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Author Topic: WOW Pearl  (Read 9488 times)


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WOW Pearl
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
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Approach with caution and you won't get hurt. The WOW! Factor has taken on a new twist. Columbia's latest Flipside creature is the WOW Pearl. You’ve witnessed the WOW, as it cuts through any amount of oil you encounter. Now you can unleash the WOW Pearl for a later backend reaction that’s really out of this world. Our Pearlized UFO - Ultimate Friction in Oil - coverstock has been identified and is landing at a pro shop near you. The WOW Pearl - its mission is extremely focused.



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Re: WOW Pearl
« Reply #1 on: May 30, 2003, 01:59:49 PM »
Drilled with 5" pin to axis, small shift, no weight hole.  Let me start by saying that I haven't had much success with particle balls in general, but I really like this one.  This is a very good match of cover and core to create a ball that is very smooth off the breakpoint giving you great control.  This is not a dry lane ball by any stretch, so you need some oil up front.  This particular ball falls just under my polished V2 drilled 6 x 3.5 and is good choice when the V2 is burning up too quick or for going a little more direct with less hand.  I definitely think Columbia has something with their Wow II coverstock and I think many different styles will like this ball.  The bottom line for me is this ball doesn't do anything stupid if you make a mistake which gives me the control I need on tougher conditions.
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Jeff Mop

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Re: WOW Pearl
« Reply #2 on: June 01, 2003, 02:11:17 AM »
The WOW Pearl is, in my opinion, a very unique piece of equipment. First of all, the Pearl Particle shell (UFO Pearl) coverstock works great. It is aggressive in oil and not too aggressive in dry - this makes for supreme control without sacrifice of power.

The thing I like most about this ball is the way it retains its axis rotation longer than expected. When other balls have turned over and are in the process of losing energy, the WOW Pearl is still rotating on it's original axis rotation, even when it's starting to hook. This helps the ball retain more of its power for the backend. The ball goes into a very strong roll on the backend, but because it has saved its energy exceptionally well, does not roll out. It seems to keep coming longer than other balls. I haven't seen many other balls that tend to do this same thing, but the one that sticks out in my mind is the original 3-D Violet Offset Hammer. The WOW Pearl seems like it reacts very similar to that ball, just a bit stronger.

My WOW Pearl came with a 5" pin-to-CG distance. I put the pin about 1 1/2 inches above my bridge, slightly biased towards the middle finger. The CG is kicked out 2 inches from the center of the grip. Because of the low starting top weight (2.25 oz.) I do not need an extra hole in the ball despite the offset CG. The final specs are == 6" X 4" X 4 1/4" == (pin from PAP X CG from PAP X pin above midline)

(I threw that last one in because I don't believe that pin and CG from PAP are enough - pin distance above the midline is extremely important also in my opinion, as a lower pin results in earlier hook).


Columbia bowls the world over


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Re: WOW Pearl
« Reply #3 on: June 30, 2003, 05:52:57 PM »
chcek my profile for specs..

I punched up this bad boy last week. I put the pin 1 1/2 in. over my bridge and kicked the cg out an 1 and stuck a weight hole about 6 in. over from my center grip.. This ball should be Pearl Particle ball of the year!! This is the best ball I have had since I drilled up my first viscious back in July of last year. This ball is the best combination of skid/snap you can find. Exceptional length of a pearl ball, strong flip like a resin, and this is a particle ball!!!! If you see anything besides heavy oil, and extreme dry, this ball will shoot lights out. This ball along with the Wicked brt are probably top 5 on the market right now... It's long down the lane, very easy to read, smooth transition of the dry, and exceptional hit!!! Beware for alot of stone 8's and 9's...

control- 9
hook- 9

I'll give the WOW! pearl a 9



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Re: WOW Pearl
« Reply #4 on: August 23, 2003, 03:00:23 PM »
I just bought this ball about a month ago, im still getting use to it but i decided to put a review based on what i've seen. Its drilled 4x4. I bowled on Medium-heavy lane conditions with this ball and it moves. This ball makes it look like there isnt any oil out on the lanes. I tried playing all kinds of areas with this ball. I added some particle polish to this ball and now its even better. I dont get as many stone 8s and 9s, i donno why, but it work. It seems like now every shot that i throw in the pocket flushes or mixes up well unless of course im too light. I have struck a couple of times going through the nose with this ball. Its definitely a winner.

I played 15-5 and this ball carries well. I get messengers and pins flying all over the place. You may get some ugly 8 or 9 pins. Also u may get a 10 every now and then. Stay on the speed otherwise you may go through the nose or brooklyn.

I played 25 to about 10 and still i struck. I didnt get as many messengers playing this line but i still did a lot of striking. I didnt leave as many 8 or 9 pins because i used up a lil more energy making the turn to the pocket. I made more flush shots with this line.

Another line I played was 30 out to about 20. With this shot i left a lot of tens pins if i threw the ball too hard.

For me this ball performed better when playing 25 to 10. I really like this ball, i think it will be great once i really get use to it and when i play in the fall league.

I rate this ball a 9 out of 10. I will further review when i really get use to it.
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Re: WOW Pearl
« Reply #5 on: January 01, 2004, 08:39:23 PM »
Great ball from Columbia. Mine is drilled with the pin just inside the ring finger and the cg just about two inches from the grip center, small hole needed to make it legal.

Bowled 300-195-236 731 with it the first time I used it, which was in a league. The next couple of times I used it I bowled ok, but had some struggles with carry. Have since found out that the problems with carry were more my fault then it was the balls, which is usually the case. The Wow Pearl goes long with a strong roll and hits very hard. I have found that it is best for me to make sure that I do not try to overpower it at the release point. Just get it off my hand clean with some good rotation, but not too much, and let the ball do its thing. This ball seems to excel in light hits and anything that grazes the head pin for me seems to carry. I am extremely happy with it and would suggest to anyone to buy this one. It is an excellent choice for somebody looking for a pearl ball.
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Re: WOW Pearl
« Reply #6 on: February 09, 2004, 11:44:21 AM »
I just finished a tourney at DC Cityview in Fort Worth. This ball is amazing. During practice did not even pull it out since I figured the short oil pattern would make this ball unplayable. Let's just say I made the wrong call. First 4 games shot -118 (throwing Game Pearl, Polished Cherry Messenger, and Matrix Conquest). Well Game 5 decide to pull our WOW Pearl and procede to shoot 1154 for final 5 games and finish +36. This ball is great.
Have it drilled up stacked with pin directly above the bridge.
This will now be the first ball out of my bag from now on.

Great Job Columbia.


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Re: WOW Pearl
« Reply #7 on: May 21, 2004, 01:08:52 AM »
This ball hits and hits hard. At first it hit too hard. What i mean by this is i kept leaving 7-pins (i'm a lefty). The ball would hit dead flush and leave a 7 pin. After a some practice it started carrying. It was drilled so it can go long and snap; Well it snapped hard. It was probably my fault why I could carry, but now I have no problems. Maybe the ball needed a little oil in it. I use the ball in tournaments when my shot is worn down and it comes through. Gives me a consistant reaction. Once you know how to use it, it can be a killer. 87/100 grade (B+)

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Re: WOW Pearl
« Reply #8 on: July 18, 2004, 11:10:55 PM »
I first noticed this ball at Nationals in Reno.  A lot of the higher average bowlers were having a little difficulty getting a ball reaction during the 9:30 am doubles.  However, a lower average female bowler was getting to the pocket between third and fourth arrow.  Later, that week I bowled the Bowling This Month tournament on a flat sport type condition.  This time a higher average bowler was getting a great reaction and carry playing between first and second arrow.

I ordered the ball from R & J Bowling Superstore out of Daly City, CA.  I gave them my drill specs and waited for UPS delivery.  Rick said I would be pleased with his work and he was right.  I am a very accurate rev challenged bowler but the WOW pearl gave me eight boards to left with a Robert Smith look down the lane.  The ball will come charging from the outside and recover strongly from the inside.  The hit and carry is outstanding.  

This is an excellent choice for your pearl particle ball.


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Re: WOW Pearl
« Reply #9 on: July 29, 2004, 05:40:51 PM »

15lb....5 inch pin 3 1/4 tw....

Hit up Excaliber and Jeff Mop on ideas on how to handle drilling and decided on 4 1/2 X 4....added a 3/4 oz weight hole 6 inches from center of grip through cg....placed in lower right thumb quadrant. Left in box condition.

As expected this ball gets excellent length.  Makes a very controlled movement on the dry and the hits unlike anything I have had before.  Not the pin flying hits that I get from my Track Equipment, but almost a energy saving hit that has just enough force to knock the pins down with no extra expended energy.  

Tested out on Brunswick Synthetics, typical house hat, with outside 5 dry.  Ball was very receptive to hand position changes.  Could play straight up the dry or put more hand in it to swing to the dry.  If kept deep in the oil didn't have enough punch to get back but that is expected.  This ball is all about control and am looking forward to using it on some tougher patterns in the next couple of months.

Think this ball really slid under the radar when it came out.  This is my second and think may get a couple others as will always have a place in any arsenal I have.

Two Thumbs up and thank you Columbia for a wonderful ball...


Did a bit of practicng yesterday and decided to polish up the WOW Pearl and WOW!!  A bit more length and a strong but controlled move on the back end....
Allowed me to play right up the track (straight up 5)....ignored the first 35-40 feet ....made its move and had plenty of energy to rip the rack.  Really gives me a look I don't have in any other ball. Long, strong, and if only that was
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Re: WOW Pearl
« Reply #10 on: November 26, 2004, 03:49:00 PM »
A Nice Ball for what I need
Lane Conditions: Medium-Heavy Oil
Typical Conditions: House Shot
Type of Lane: Combination
What part of the lane did you play? Outside First Arrow
Did the ball track out? Fast
Weight of bowling ball: 14
Surface of bowling ball: Polished
Likes: Got this ball on a discount, and wow....It lives up to its name... It had the breaking point that I needed..
Dislikes: If you miss your mark, yor sometimes screwed. But becareful and be consistant, cuz some times it leaves mad hard spilts.

GOt this ball on discount, because the Mysterious Columbia Death Happened on my Throttle(see my review) and so it was in the proshop, and I heard it was good. So I tried it out and it's very versitle(Lane Condition Wise). So now im in love with this ball, and Yeah....Keep bowlin...I LOVE THIS!!!!


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Re: WOW Pearl
« Reply #11 on: April 14, 2007, 09:57:36 AM »
Weight 15lbs.
I drilled it, bridge below pin with CG kick out to the right.
Normal Skid/Flip drilling with MAXIMUM TOP WEIGHT. No exta hole needed, as the side weight is less than 1 oz.
Wet Sanded it to 1500 grit, then polished it ( as bright as it can get).
Normally is use it on short pattern ( most house pattern uses either LOW VOLUME conditioner or short 34" feet).
Reaction was very good. Sometimes uses it when the HEADS are hard to clear.
Easily shot 200++ when faced with these conditions.

So, if you need a a dry lane ball or just can get clean enuff through the HEADS, then, do what i do. Get a good PERFORMANCE ball, with proper drilling and surface management, get the job done. As Randy Pedersen always says it " MONEY "


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Re: WOW Pearl
« Reply #12 on: August 27, 2007, 06:10:16 PM »
Very good ball for medium to dry conditions.

Have it drilled to go long and it's a very managable ball.  Hits the pins hard but still gets through the heads and midlane with a controllable backend.

This is a ball I still use and really enjoy it a lot for the 9pm shot at my house.