REcently I repicked up an Ego...Drilled a little weaker than my previous Ego and am Loving the look and reaction... What rev up...what continuation at the back!
Whew...some piece of unpopular equipment!
As many of you know this is the same core as the Action.
Also in league we have a guy that seems to get with a ball company and then stay or go based on success.
He had recently redrilled a GAme Pearl (weaker) and has been tearing it up with that!(Wicked Blue Oyster core). So he then also picked up an Action.
Well tonight we bowled league finals against them and he tore it up. About 268 against us. This in a non lefty friendly center(yes...I bowled well) but we were wiped out because of him!
He has now gone from track, to Morich and it looks like Columbia is in. This big fellow has a lot of hand and speed. He's a Columbia guy now. Like him I can't believe the rev up from the Action/Ego core!
Also in the league a guy had an old Wicked! He tore it up with that tonight!
Anyone got an old Blue Oyster Wicked or Game pearl around?
Open the door...see what's possible...and just walk right on through...that's how easy success feels..