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Author Topic: *~Columbia 300 Momentum Swing Video from!~*  (Read 2106 times)


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Hi All,

I'm proud to present to you The Columbia 300 Momentum Swing Video.

My Take on the Ball:

SMOOTH SMOOTH SMOOTH!  This ball is all arc, strong, but very arcy.  Fits right in between the momentum and Resurgence...Handles oil ALMOST as well as a resurgence, but definetly has more length than a resurgence...this ball actually reminds me of a particle ball the way it can blend out over/under reactions.

The downside?  Well if you dont like smooth, this ball may not be for you...with the right surface prep and layout im sure you can get it to go somewhat sideways, but why fight what a ball is intended to do?

Good addition to Columbia's already solid lineup!
Britton (formerly bar5003)

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Re: *~Columbia 300 Momentum Swing Video from!~*
« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2008, 04:33:05 PM »
So glad I pick this ball up not to long ago. Definetely will replace my RG Cell (totally disappointed) Can't wait till the fall league to throw it!


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Re: *~Columbia 300 Momentum Swing Video from!~*
« Reply #2 on: August 14, 2008, 05:41:04 PM »
This ball just looks amazing and can probably be used on heavy volumes as well.  I'm just a bit confused about Columbia's line right now.  This ball is advertised as going between the Momentum and Resurgence as if to imply that they're Columbia's three strongest balls.  Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't their line go something like this in terms of Hook Potential

Momentum Swing
Arch Rival

Originally, I thought the Momentum was actually the weakest ball of the pack but after watching videos this is my opinion.  It may even be stronger than the Arch Rival.  If that's the case that's one strong ball for being polished.

Edited on 8/14/2008 5:42 PM


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Re: *~Columbia 300 Momentum Swing Video from!~*
« Reply #3 on: August 14, 2008, 06:14:11 PM »
Columbia has some great compliments coming out in each of its lines.
I think I might have to grab the Swing from my pro shop and have him drill it, it's the reaction I've been missing lately.

I think for the lineup, Resurgence is arc(good OOB on heavy), Swing is between arc/flip(med-heavy), and Momentum is flip(medium, can be used on heavier if sanded)
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