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Author Topic: 11 year old Urethane...No problem :) PT 1  (Read 1896 times)

Spider Ball Bowler

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11 year old Urethane...No problem :) PT 1
« on: January 07, 2008, 12:45:48 PM »
So tonight in my wood league house I decided to try something different.  I brought out my Columbia 300 Urethane Beast just to see what it would do.  I stroke the ball and am at my best playing down and in, and haven't had too much success with anything else at this house this season (207 ave).  Tonight was the start of my 2nd half, and I decided to put a big challenge on myself and finish the year with a Urethane ball.

243, 224, 229 - 696

I was amazed at just how much change there is in the game from the Urethane days til now.  I missed the pocket 2 times all night, one resulting in an 8 count and the other resulting in a huge split.  I haven't thrown a urethane ball in quite some time, and was amazed at the results.

I left 5 pins, 10 pins, lots of 7 pins, it was fantastic.  I would come in light and either leave a 5 pin or a 10 pin.  I would come in half pocket and leave flat 7's.  

I haven't had this much fun bowling at this house in about 2 years.  I paid for my mistakes and was rewarded for my good shots.  I watched people spraying the lane with their reactives, barely hit the head pin, and strike, and all I could do was smile

The only open I had was the big split in the first game, and then I missed a 7 pin on the fill in the 2nd game.  

I threw the ball better tonight than I have all year, and probably the past two years.  I stayed down on every shot, I followed through on every shot, everything felt perfect.

It made me laugh to think I missed the hole two times and only shot 696.  I wonder what my score would have been if I used a weaker reactive and missed the hole two times?  I know a lot of the light ones would have carried, and even the half pockets.

I also started to think about what bowling would be like if Urethane was the strongest ball you could get.  I figure the big players now would still be the big players, but the ones that only score because of the ball they have in their hands would be mush.

If anyone is sick of high scoring garbage, and have access to a Urethane piece, I definitely suggest giving it a go.  I plan on taking it every week and I will continue to update every week.  

Stay tuned for next weeks rendition of "The 11 year old Urethane Challenge."
Formerly SGC300
"Never get into a pissing match with a skunk, cuz he'll piss all over you and like it."-Keyshawn Johnson on Terrell Owens


Dan Belcher

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Re: 11 year old Urethane...No problem :) PT 1
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2008, 06:31:23 AM »
If you actually enjoy leaving 5 pins, 10 pins, and 7 pins if you don't throw it absolutely 100% perfectly flush, you should bowl in my Saturday night league!  No matter what equipment I throw -- dull, polished, solid, pearl, particle -- I can miss the hole two times and be in the 630s or 640s.  Everything leaves corner pins galore in that house.  Don't even bother trying to play light pocket and get those great swisher shots.  (I have no idea how in the world I have shot a 299 and a 300 in that league, because I'm only averaging 216 there and have shot tons of 160-190 games!)


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Re: 11 year old Urethane...No problem :) PT 1
« Reply #2 on: January 08, 2008, 09:03:03 AM »
I have a urethane Beast in the basement that I bought at a yard sale and I won a NIB urethane Ceramicore Beast on Ebay last week.  I will be joining the urethane challenge soon.  I am sick and tired of the look I am getting with my current equipment, the urethane probably won't help my carry but like you I will definitely enjoy the game more.


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Re: 11 year old Urethane...No problem :) PT 1
« Reply #3 on: January 08, 2008, 10:08:15 AM »
I never go to any tournaments without at least one Urethane piece.  It carries when others will not, and it also gives you a consistent look at the pocket.  I have a Pink hammer, a blue pearl hammer, Purple hammer, NIB Black hammer, and NIB Burgandy hammer, and I have thought what it would be like to just use an arsonel of just old faball hammers.  Just haven't gotten around to it.  Frankly I think on quite a few conditions urethane can actually perform better than current day reactives.  But thats just me, I'm crazy .  As far as leaving 5s 7s and 10s, I rarely have that problem with my urethane pieces.  As long as you stay behind the ball it doesn't matter where I hit in the pocket, it usually strikes.

"Strive to be perfect,  that is afterall the only way to become perfect."

"If you compare yourself with others,
you may become vain and bitter;
for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans."

Taken from Desiderata

Proud user of Columbia 300 and Visionary Bowling Products

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Re: 11 year old Urethane...No problem :) PT 1
« Reply #4 on: January 08, 2008, 01:22:49 PM »
Well one thing I noticed I need to work on after last night is my ball speed.  At times it was good, and others a tad fast, and that was when I was leaving 7's like no other  I don't have much hand, so that could also add to some of the shots not carrying.  It was just a different ball game, and it was grand!

Like I said, last night was a ton of fun and I was shocked that I was able to put together a nice series like I did.  I guess I shouldn't be too suprised, my Beast is the only ball I have ever shot 300 with in league.

Also just as an FYI, the reason I am doing this is because I need practice.  I can't afford to practice, nor have the time with a full-time job and full-time classes.  The final week of our first half we were battling for 3rd place.  We got it handed to us the first two, but our league is based on points.  Where you finish in the first half means nothing.  It's total points at the end of the season that matters.  So the third game we were winning, and my teammates thought it would be funny to each throw gutter balls....on purpose.  We lost that game...yes only 2 points, but 2 points at the end of the season could make the difference between making the roll offs or not.

I figured if I'm paying the $500 + to bowl in the league and my teammates are going to do stupid things, I am going to get my practice in regardless of how it affects my team.

Now I have a slight issue.  I have a NIB Blue Hammer that I bought last year sitting in my room and I am sooooo tempted to drill it up and start using that specifically.  I have heard some of the older gentlemen talk about how great that ball was back in the urethane age, and I really want to see if there is a difference.

Decisions, Decisions

Formerly SGC300
"Never get into a pissing match with a skunk, cuz he'll piss all over you and like it."-Keyshawn Johnson on Terrell Owens

Spider Ball Bowler

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Re: 11 year old Urethane...No problem :) PT 1
« Reply #5 on: January 08, 2008, 01:29:23 PM »
If you actually enjoy leaving 5 pins, 10 pins, and 7 pins if you don't throw it absolutely 100% perfectly flush, you should bowl in my Saturday night league!

It is not so much that I enjoy leaving them, but I did enjoy having to throw the ball well to strike.  I come on the boards here a lot and used to post a ton, now I still do post, but I do a lot of reading too.  I hear a lot of people saying they are sick of the house wall and everything.  Here is my suggestion use Urethane.  Of course if u plan on getting in jackpots you are already at a huge disadvantage, but I still get in some  I even cashed for $20 last night in eliminations.  $20 is not a lot, but this ball cost me $100, 11 years ago, and has at least 1,000 games on it.  Once I shot my 300 I was given my first Hammer by the local pro shop, and that was when the Beast pretty much was retired.....until now
Formerly SGC300
"Never get into a pissing match with a skunk, cuz he'll piss all over you and like it."-Keyshawn Johnson on Terrell Owens