Last night while bowling on PBA Regional Pattern #2 during league I had games of 279-258-267 for an 804. Only problem was that it was after the 192 I bowled the first game of the 4 game set.

Playing about 8 at the arrows out to 3 at 36 ft.
Action Max is quickly becoming my go to ball. This one is drilled with a 5.5" pin 1" from my VAL. 1000 dull finish. Ball gets through the head fast with good mid-lane then stands up at the breakpoint and a hard arc to the pocket. Carry is awesome on even half-pocket hits. Versatility is this ball's strongpoint. Get one and you will not be disappointed.
Jon Brandon
Columbia Regional Staff 04-06
2003 PBA West Region Rookie of the Year
"You don't score, until you score......"