Equipment Boards => Columbia 300 => Topic started by: TrackMaster on December 25, 2009, 04:44:32 AM
Would anyone else like to see a solid freeze?? I love my freeze and also loved my messengers and couldnt help but think about some of the solid messengers i loved. What does everyone else think???
I love my freeze as well, but I don't see the need for a solid so much. But then again i'm man crushing on my Onyx Vibe that between it and the Freeze I don't really need another piece unless I see major oil.
-------------------- (http://"")
Yea, I do not have a onyx vibe but think a solid freeze would be close. I was not a fan of the NoiZe but think a solid freeze, maybe with a rival cover would be awesome. I think the weight block numbers and that cover would be nice.
why not a urethane freeze?
Freeze is too damn strong, as Columbia's mildest, true dynamic core.
Columbia needs a true light oil ball with a real core. No, the Scout is not that ball.
"None are so blind as those who will not see."
Urethane might be cool, but even though storm is backordered i dont think its from demand i think its more because they are busy making other balls and push the urethanes back in production. I was thinking more along the lines of a green messenger type ball.
well how much demand is there going to be for all these "hook monsters" everyone is making.
in my 5 man team by the 3rd gm i have to throw at 19 to 20 mph to keep the pocket and get the corner pins. gong to try and resurface a GM to 2000+polish (unless someone has other suggestions for surface) and see if it will work but till then.
With the trend of useing less oil, why not bring back the urethane.
Edited on 12/25/2009 11:57 PM
They had a urethane ball called the Scout that didn't sell and Chad Murphy said there's not a big enough market for a urethane ball!
"Train a child up in the way they should go and when they are old they will "BOWL TO WIN", KEEP ON "TRACK", HIT LIKE A "HAMMER", AND "BOWL THE WORLD OVER" and not turn from it.
Bruce Campbell
USBC Bronze Certified Coach
IBPSIA Certified Technician
Columbia's newest. The Sharp NoiZe, this is a short oil ball. Don't be afraid to try it
Freeze is too damn strong, as Columbia's mildest, true dynamic core.
Columbia needs a true light oil ball with a real core. No, the Scout is not that ball.
"None are so blind as those who will not see."
Dale Williams
Columbia 300 Utah Amateur Staff
Chad Murphy is an intelligent man that knows his business
with that being said, a urethane ball has a place, but really how many times would you really need to use it.
Today''s high volume of oil in leagues and tournaments just doesn''t call for a whole lot of different urethanes.
This is just my opinion, so don''t get your panties in a twist
They had a urethane ball called the Scout that didn''t sell and Chad Murphy said there''s not a big enough market for a urethane ball!
"Train a child up in the way they should go and when they are old they will "BOWL TO WIN", KEEP ON "TRACK", HIT LIKE A "HAMMER", AND "BOWL THE WORLD OVER" and not turn from it.
Bruce Campbell
USBC Bronze Certified Coach
IBPSIA Certified Technician
Dale Williams
Columbia 300 Utah Amateur Staff
Edited on 12/25/2009 11:36 PM
If you can find one, a Jazz in the 3rd game would work.
well how much demand is there oing to be for all these "hook monsters" everyone is making.
in my man team by the 3rd gm i have to throw at 19 to 20 mph to keep the pocket and get the corner pins. gong to try and resurface a GM to 2000+polish (unless someone has other suggestions for surface) and see if it will work but till then.
With the trend of useing less oil, why not bring back the urethane.
Dale Williams
Columbia 300 Utah Amateur Staff
what about the freeze with a superflex on it. idk how strong that cover is in relation to Ne2
HG:300x2(SR300 both)
sacred heart university bowling, soph.
greatest accomplishment:shooting 603 and not shooting one 200 game(130,173,300)
balls for sale in my profile
p.s. go leftys
That is also a cover I had in mind. I think that would be nice.
Depending on what your idea of light to dry conditions are the Jazz wouldn't work which leaves out the Superflex cover.
Where Charlest and I bowl even a Jazz is too strong.
The original Pin Krusher
I was given a hint that a solid freeze was coming. I remember the good old days over weaker solids that were great balls and they didnt ping of the dry like these weaker pearls today. Its all about control not flip in my mind
I agree with Brunsdustin, a nice weak solid that was controllable of the break would be nice.
Hey there Columbia fans. I am a pro shop operator who sells primarily Storm, Roto, and Hammer based on what people in my area ask me to carry - not necessarily what I prefer. I don't sell many higher end Columbias but the Freeze has turned out to be a very popular ball.
For the past month of so the biggest seller has been the Freeze. The Freeze is by far that best ball for the price in the market these days. I used to sell either Tropicals and Scouts, but now I sell Freezes and Rayzrs.
From my perspective a solid version would basically round out my entry level reactive price point. I would then have a true mild but strong-hitting reactive (Rayzr), a medium oil ball with hook (Freeze), and a medium oil smooth roller (solid Freeze).
Get a pad out and make it 'solid'
Time for some REAL bowling!!!
I would be willing to bet that we are going to see something around Bowl Expo. Think Columbia will need something to compete with the likes of the Onyx Vibe. Cant imagine that Col300 would just keep going with pearls on all their lower end stuff. Could you see the Momentum Swing cover with the Freeze core? SICK!!!!
Steven Vance
Pro Shop Operator
Striking Results Pro Shop
Red Carpet Lanes
Duluth (NE Atlanta), Georgia
If anyone out there is worried about the scores being too high, try duckpin!!
how about the rival cover on the freeze. i think its called "300"
HG:300x2(SR300 both)
sacred heart university bowling, soph.
greatest accomplishment:shooting 603 and not shooting one 200 game(130,173,300)
balls for sale in my profile
p.s. go leftys
oh wow a momentum swing cover
that would just be deadly
Dulling a pearl cover doesn't make it a solid cover, it still has the pearl additive! Not the same reaction! Sorry
"Train a child up in the way they should go and when they are old they will "BOWL TO WIN", KEEP ON "TRACK", HIT LIKE A "HAMMER", AND "BOWL THE WORLD OVER" and not turn from it.
Bruce Campbell
USBC Bronze Certified Coach
IBPSIA Certified Technician
Today''s high volume of oil in leagues and tournaments just doesn''t call for a whole lot of different urethanes.
This is just my opinion, so don''t get your panties in a twist
Dale not being critical or saying they need to make a Urethane ball, but in the case of the house where I bowl league they must have a severe oil shortage because about the only ball in my bag that I can throw consistently without lofting the gutter by the end of the night is my RG Mercury, and from seeing several other posts over the past 6 months I would have to say there are several centers putting out less instead of more oil.
Been hearing talk about a new Freeze... Called the Super Freeze...And another called the Deep Freeze...
I'll guess we will just have to wait and see...
I'm sure more are coming... Kinda thinking one will come out in a 2000 or 4000 A-pad finish....
We shall see....
jls "Obama, you wanna see my truck"
When did price point = hook? I love my Freeze, but its my weak ball. For the same price an Onyx Vibe would outhook a Freeze yes? For about the same a Furious would as well? With the Freeze apparently selling very well, we can hope a solid version comes out. Heck I know I'd buy one and the Freeze is my only Columbia ball!
When did price point = hook? I love my Freeze, but its my weak ball. For the same price an Onyx Vibe would outhook a Freeze yes? For about the same a Furious would as well? With the Freeze apparently selling very well, we can hope a solid version comes out. Heck I know I'd buy one and the Freeze is my only Columbia ball!
Excellent point... A great go to ball.....
I would hope that Columbia would bring out a second Freeze line...A ball that can handle more oil, etc... And be more in the $150-$170 range...
Yes I know that the Noize line is in that range.... But seriously, The Freeze name is Tops right now... To me the Noize is yesterdays news...
I think a new freeze line in addition to the current line would be an awesome combo... $109-$119 on the Freeze line, and $150-$170 on a new Super Freeze line....
jls "Obama, you wanna see my truck"
All right guys, let's put this one to bed. there is no chance a solid Freeze is coming. The ball as is hooks to much for the price point. It would be irresponsible at this point to make it hook even more.
No new names, no solid colors I'm guessing just some new friendly colors coming.
Right now there are alot of balls out there that hook too much for the price point. What makes you say there is "no chance" of a solid Freeze? About 95% in reference to equipment is about more hook.
Steven Vance
Pro Shop Operator
Striking Results Pro Shop
Red Carpet Lanes
Duluth (NE Atlanta), Georgia
If anyone out there is worried about the scores being too high, try duckpin!!
Definitely a lot going on in this post. In our shops we have the Freeze at its own price point between the Scouts/tornado's and the Smash's/Bash's/onyx vibe. On the Price point thing that is being brought up, well everyone wants more hook at lower prices. No ifs, and, or buts. Putting a solid freeze out there is just gonna give you a better smooth motion for a low end ball. All things considered of course with surface and numbers on the ball. Shine it up too then you have a real crusher for the dry lanes
. Now to compare a onyx vibe or furious to the freeze well you just cant, Freeze wins hands down in normal cases better value at its price range. I like the idea of creating a new line but to take the freeze name and throw it into a different price range I don't think will work. If we are talking about Columbia there is a big selection with barely any holes i think. From the Scouts to the freeze. Then Freeze to the Noize line ( Loud Noize, Sharp Noize, Cool Noize, Noize). Then Noize's to the Bedlam and Total Bedlam. Now the Pure Swing, Full Swing. Try to Squeeze another name line in there would be hard. Very diverse line of bowling balls to fill any hole in your arsenal for any skill level.
Kyle Wilke
K&K Bowling Services
Columbia300 Amateur Staff (Las Vegas, NV)
resurgence core??
New Columbia or Old? If its new I'm guessing the resurgence core but I would love to see something similar to the Ricochet from the S.A. days.
I don't think it's asking too much to have a solid Freeze. The original is a really good medium to medium-dry ball. I think for people with true stroker or cranker, it can be used on a fresh THS any day. For those who don't need a lot of help from a ball and tend to use 'weaker' equipment on THS, the original and solid freeze might be all you need. Price point is extraordinary for a ball this good.
As others mentioned, the Freeze is well below Furious and Vibe price point so having some options there would be good, considering how well the Freeze is doing.