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Author Topic: Action Attack  (Read 1364 times)


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Action Attack
« on: February 09, 2007, 01:40:39 AM »
All you Columbia guys need to help my dad he throws ball w/descent speed, straight up 2nd arrow.  He's looking for something to give him a little bit more turn on the backend then what he's using now, was looking at the attack, but I've noticed there isn't to many reviews for it. Would it be a good choice?



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Re: Action Attack
« Reply #1 on: February 09, 2007, 10:53:34 PM »
The Attack is a very good ball. Unless you know the exact condition, the bowler and probably a lot of other factors it is hard to know if a particular ball will work. I think this is a very versatile ball. I did drill mine with a rather long pin, but that was to fit a niche in my arsenal. The ball is strong, but with the right drilling and bowler could be used to play up the track. The has a strong move on the backend the way I have mine drilled. It is not a ball for heavy oil or extreme dry, but I think a very good choice for most house conditions. Talk to your local proshop, if they have the knowledge to help, and tell them what you are wanting and get their opinion.  Then go from there.