Inferno vs HiJinx
In my opinion the HiJinx in box is STRONGER!
Very strong cover...weaker core...It seems to be ideal for oily small swing shots for righties on the inside....
IT also is great as demonstated by Brittany?? on the teen masters for tight smooth backend shots on oily conditions.
Fantastic ball...a friend of mine just won the Sr. High ROller Classic in Vegas with his! (He calls it his secret weapon).
He also loves his Jinx(pearl version) which is a similar but with a unique coverstock for today's conditions as your TiMess pearl.
Maybe weaker core and more continuous coverstock.
Great link on Hijinx, Jinx, Wrath, and WrathXP I hope this helps.
I know little about the Wrath as I have not seen them.
But the staff players I know with Columbia are in LOVE...with the Jinx set!
PS in my book Jinx would be below Inferno...and GREAT!
Open the door...see what's possible...and just walk right on through...that's how easy success feels..