Any time you kick out the MB/CG towards the val and away from the thumb it will cause the ball to get into a roll earlier and tame down the back end reaction making it more controllable. The ball will probably overall hook less, but on more difficult shots, and severe wet/dry conditions its more forgiving and gives you an earlier read and less overreaction off the dry.
With the Rico Drill, the pin is as low as it can go without being below the midline. I am not a ball driller and I don't know why thats bad but it is and I'll take my ball drillers word for it. But it lowers the RG as low as it will go making the ball rev up quicker off your hand, in a sense, making it even more early reading.
I have about 4 balls layed out similar to Rico, but my pin isn't on my center line its farther right and above my midline (right under my ring finger making it about 4" from PAP). And my MB is about 1-2" from my VAL. The balls I have this done to are very readable and controllable, but if you send it too hard too quick into the dry it will roll out. And once the head oil leaves its time to move left or ball down (ex: go from solid matte to a pearl or higher grit).
The reason my balls are laid out like this is because I asked and told my ball driller I wanted the ball to read the midlane early and have a smooth arc reaction on the back. That is what this layout gave me. I would assume Rico would do the same but maybe be even earlier. due to the lower RG, but the pin will be a bit farther away so it might react similar. I just know that I got a ball with a little less top weight and shorter pin (2 1/2 in. with 2.30oz) and after drilling even with the CG out I didn't need a balance hole.