I drilled both of these balls up and:
Action comes out on top.
I drilled my 15# Action with a 4" pin, stacked leverage, with the cg on the midline plane, took a ligh weight out with a weight hole. I got good length on oil and sharp back end at first, so I took the cover stock from 1200 grit to 1000, jsut to get a little more read in the midlane, and wallah!
754 733 and tonight 766 ... one 299 and a few 279's in there.
I bowled on a 38 freash shot with good carry downa nd this ball rolled perfectly, setting up a few feet sooner than before, and then breaking HARD to the hole, carrying well.
the Scorching doesn't seem to have the midlane this ball does, and since its already a harsh 600 grit sand, it can't really get any better.
when i saw the 1200 grit on the Action and the really low RG, i realized that this was a ball with a powerful core, and a proven coverstock, so as it turned out I was corect to drill this up.
It is my go to ball for heavy to medium lanes with carry down,.
EPX-T1 - Flooded oil
Super Carbide Bomb - Heavy oil
Ultimate Inferno - Heavy oil
Action - Heavy oil
Inferno - Heavy to Medium oil
Action Packed - Medium oil
Smoking Inferno - Medium to dry
Blue Dot - Spare ball