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Author Topic: Alittle help from you columbia and track guys  (Read 1356 times)


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Alittle help from you columbia and track guys
« on: December 28, 2006, 02:49:38 AM »
Sorry this is a re-port I did last night seems like no one in the misc. has no advice so im hoping you guys do since this has alot to pertain to track and columbia. Thanks in advance you guys.

Hey everyone how's it going. Hope everyone had a great christmas. Need some advice for a buddy. He currently just got back into bowling from a wrist injury. Feels good throws 15lb equipment and is currently throwing a Big Time Pearl. He's a pretty good bowler avging around 195ish and wants to get 2 new balls for his arsenal.

He wants something that is pretty aggressive for oil looking for something to carry pretty well and continues strong on the backend. Then he wants something thats a step up from the Big Time Pearl to where if the oil ball he's getting is too much he still has something he can throw on a house shot that won't just hang out there like his Big Time Pearl does.

He's currently right handed throws around 15-16 mph not a cranker but can get on it. Gets his ball started in a roll pretty early. Nice and smooth. I thought maybe for a strong ball I recommend the Columbia Action and for his other ball im not sure. I was thinking something Low RG that comes polished like an Xception 5.0 drilled strong or something of that nature. He doesn't really like a skid snapper he likes stuff that has a smooth transition from mid lane to backend and continues strong. The current layout for his Big Time Pearl is pim above ring ringer cg stacked no weight hole needed. Any advice would be most helpful thanks in advance.

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Jessie P.
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Re: Alittle help from you columbia and track guys
« Reply #1 on: December 28, 2006, 11:57:20 AM »
I would go with an Attack and Jinx.  Two great balls fromt he big C!!


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Re: Alittle help from you columbia and track guys
« Reply #2 on: December 28, 2006, 06:16:34 PM »
Which of those track balls come sanded. I had a machine and it was a huge disapointment for me. I don't want him to get shafted as well. Is the Attack for aggressive then the Action? Does it come sanded?
Know your worth... Expect nothing less
Jessie P.
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Re: Alittle help from you columbia and track guys
« Reply #3 on: December 28, 2006, 06:29:27 PM »
I would go with a Track Power Machine.. he won't see any amount of oil the Power Machine can't handle on a THS. The Power Machine can handle any medium amount of oil, and also cut through the carrydown with ease. My Power Machine or my Equation are my first balls out of the bag to read the lanes with. The Power Machine never has a problem with oil on a THS, when you see a heavier oil shot, then you'll see a problem, but otherwise i'd go with a Power Machine.. if you have any other questions, feel free to ask
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Re: Alittle help from you columbia and track guys
« Reply #4 on: December 29, 2006, 12:57:18 AM »
Heavy - Mean Machine - The ball is versatile and can take the oil beautifully.

Step Below - Columbia Jinx

Those two balls are very complementary to each other. While the Mean Machine is a strong ball, it can cut through the oil and carrydown does not bother it a bit. I believe that would be the best ball for the heavy side.

The medium side of things would like the Jinx. The Jinx is probably the most under-rated ball from Columbia out. The ball is amazing. It performs wonderfully and is a great-great benchmark ball.

In all - I believe those two balls will probably be the best for him.
ÈĻ Arsenèl - Formerly known as lane1what
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Re: Alittle help from you columbia and track guys
« Reply #5 on: December 29, 2006, 09:14:36 AM »
Columbia: Action and Action Packed
Track: Robo Rule and Arsenal Artillery