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Author Topic: Any more epoxy?  (Read 2395 times)


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Any more epoxy?
« on: July 26, 2006, 01:08:21 PM »
So, how many of you are voting that after all the waiting, then hate this coverstock recieved, that the epx will be the last time we see it for a while? I know that I personally would LOVE to see both a stronger and weaker version of the epx (stronger would be hard to find though, methinks), just obviously not at the high price point. I luckily paid only $110 drilled for mine, but feel bad for all those who hated this ball after paying $230.

I am still loving this ball probably 250 games later, but i think i'm one of the few in the country that really fell in love with it. Should i stockpile on them now, or is there a chance we could (and you would like) to see more in the future?



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Re: Any more epoxy?
« Reply #1 on: July 26, 2006, 09:11:08 PM »
I'd say that that there will be more.  But I don't think Columbia will blatantly advertises that it's epoxy, however.  Probably just give it whatever name, and release it.  Then if they see the balls are popular, they'd probably say "Surprise, got you".  Or maybe not, and just keep it shrouded in mystery.  I mean, it's not like just regular Joes *really* know what the covers are made of.  Heck, for all we know, the main ingredient in Activator could be sheep's bladder.
- Andy

Doug Sterner

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Re: Any more epoxy?
« Reply #2 on: July 26, 2006, 09:39:38 PM »
The hatred received by this ball was due more to Columbia's marketing than anything else. They hyped the ball as the biggest hooking ball EVER...for most it didn't live up to the billing.

Those who loved the ball tooko it for what it was...a great balll that can be used on certain lane conditions. I still wish I had the opportunity to try one out but our house doesn't put out enough oil on 3 days to throw this ball :-)


yes there will be more epoxies....I feel the initial formulation was a good one but the strength of the core limited the ball. I say wrap that cover around the Beast core or maybe the Ti Messenger core and you'll have an awesome ball.

Most companies were working on an epoxy formulation but when they saw the bad press the EPX got they abandoned the long as the ball didn't burn the lanes epoxy will be back.
Doug Sterner
Doug's Pro Shop
Owego, NY
Where Quality Service Outweighs Cheap Prices

Edited on 7/26/2006 9:34 PM
Doug Sterner
Doug's Pro Shop
Owego, NY

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Joe Jr

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Re: Any more epoxy?
« Reply #3 on: July 26, 2006, 11:10:25 PM »
There's another coming.
- Joe
Formerly Richard Cranium

Edited on 7/21/2005 1:21 PM


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Re: Any more epoxy?
« Reply #4 on: July 27, 2006, 02:47:32 PM »
I could definately see columbia (or another company) come out with epoxy and call it a different name. It sure worked for the paradigm, calling it "pure reactive" when it was later leaked that there was actually particle in the formulation.


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Re: Any more epoxy?
« Reply #5 on: July 27, 2006, 05:54:17 PM »

This ball only worked great if the pin was 3.5+ inches. The reason - besides some cracking issues - why people didn't like the ball, was because the majority of people that had this ball had a pin no more than 3 inches. When a ball is in mass production, the most popular pin distance is 2-3 inches. If Columbia played their cards right, they should have made more of these with 4 inch pins. GOSH, even look at the drill sheets for the ball. NOT one has a short pin!!! What happens when you have such a strong cover as the epoxy with a shorter pin, the ball is burning up so strong in the front and just rolls out on the back. PEOPLE WILL RELATE TO THIS BECAUSE I'VE HAD 3 DRILLED ALL WITH DIFFERENT PINS AND THE BEST ONE IS THE 4 INCH PIN. Given the cover is strong, the 4 inch is drilled 5 by 5 - I have a 4 5/8 inch span - which gave me to take some thumb weight out. When drilling deeper on the thumb to take some thumb weight out, it meant drilling into the weight block...which means changing the diff. in the ball. THIS BALL WAS ONE OF THE BEST I'VE EVER THROWN BECAUSE IT HOOKS WHEN YOU WANT IT TO HOOK AND GETS THROUGH CARRY DOWN ON ANY CONDITION. Every one will relate to this message...I promise!

With more research, Columbia will come out with a better one...but I don't think anytime soon.

AMF300 Amt. Staff
The Strike Zone Pro Shop of San Antonio


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Re: Any more epoxy?
« Reply #6 on: July 27, 2006, 09:59:01 PM »
I'd love to get an EPX, but for a supposedly hated ball there are none available cheaply. Not even Bonanzas.  Where'd they all go?

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Re: Any more epoxy?
« Reply #7 on: July 28, 2006, 02:14:37 PM »
The diffrence from a 2 to a 4 inch pin isn't going to change the ball reaction all that much.  I'm really tired of the industry trying to blow all this smoke up my behind...You try walking around with a smoke filled behind.

Your all caught up in this stupud pin distance, mass biass distance voodoo crap that your being force fed.

It's a 60 foot wooden or plastic lane, you only have to throw the ball 60 feet.  Technology doesn't knock down pins, proper angles and technique does.

Still trying to get all this smoke out...
Bowling, a simple game that has been made difficult by humans.

Edited on 7/27/2006 10:01 PM

Darn, that is probabaly the smartest thing I've seen someone say about bowling and equipment in a long time.

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Re: Any more epoxy?
« Reply #8 on: July 28, 2006, 04:37:33 PM »
go to Ebay.  Some are being bid right now.