I drilled one of these today. My Columbia rep gave me one. He told me, that this ball has the Bully core, and a pearl Bully shell, that would make it M80 shell, not pearl Vaccine.
Drilled it with the pin above my middle finger and the cg slightly positive, no hole. This ball is pretty strong!!! Hooks more than my Bully and Backyard Bully. Almost as much as my box Big Bully, and a little more than my shiny Big Bully. My original Bully has been shined also, love this ball.
Powerdrive was a little weak in the track area, leaving some really flat tens, actually this ball outhooked the Smokin Inferno. I had to make the Brunswick big parallel move left, to make this ball have more energy down lane, and man did it! The ball hits very well, as do all the Bully balls for me. Haven't tried the Professional yet, BTW.
I didn't throw it too much, I am going to bowl a regional this weekend, and it is not cleared for PBA, yet.
Not a bad looking ball, will grow in you in time. Think this ball will do well, specially if it is at the Drive line price point, which is $30 less in my shop.
Hope this helps ya.....
Mike Austin's Precision Pro Shop
Houston, TX
Drilling and Tech Advice BirdDogbowling.com
Check out bowlingballauctions.com !!!
A bowling alternative to Ebay, now open !!!
Driller to many "Stars" and Tony Melendez too!
Edited on 7/8/2005 2:42 AM