
Equipment Boards => Columbia 300 => Topic started by: guzmand19 on February 24, 2005, 02:07:04 AM

Title: Arsenal prep suggestions
Post by: guzmand19 on February 24, 2005, 02:07:04 AM
Hey guys, this may fall more under coverstock preps but since this is the Columbia board...
I have a Wired, Panic and Jekyll which I use to cover most conditions.  My question for you guys is, if this was your arsenal how would you prep the covers to cover the most territory.  I know drilling plays a big role, but I don't have that information handy right now.

D <~~~~ Used to be terrible wiffing 10 pins.  Now through much practice, can wiff any single pin spare at any time.

Darrell Guzman
guzmand19 - Yahoo IM and MSN screen names
Title: Re: Arsenal prep suggestions
Post by: P1atinumGQ on February 24, 2005, 01:05:00 PM
Well all three of those balls were made for Medium-Light oil. My suggestion would probably to dull the Wired down to maybe around 1000 grit sanded for medium-heavy, put the Panic at like 1500 polished for medium, and really shine up the Jekyll for light conditions.