Not comparable without polishing & special drilling of the AI. The AI is (seems to me) intended for medium to medium-heavy oil patterns. The Backyard Bully is intended for medium-light to medium oil patterns.
The Activatior+ coverstock on the AI, although technically a resin pearl, is a much stronger coverstock. As LuckyLefty has implied it before, it is almost a particle pearl without having particles. Also the RG of the AI's core is MUCH lower than the Backyard's coverstock.
Although the M80 coverstock is stronger than Super-Flex, it is not as strong overall as Activator+, in my opinion. Activator+ is spooky strong!
I believe a Big Bully, with maybe a polishing, may closer approximate the reaction of an AI.
(Not a member of the Brunswick Nation, but a Brunswick AND a Columbia fan.)