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Author Topic: ball lost edge...or just bowler?  (Read 1298 times)


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ball lost edge...or just bowler?
« on: March 04, 2004, 07:13:49 PM » mom has had a columbian 300 wicked
she had it drilled to the max cause she dont put alot of revs on it and throws it average of 13-14 mph
usually starts at 15 board throws out to 5 board and it swings back in to hit pocket
welp one week in thursday night league she shot 579
the next week 420....ball wouldnt move
same release it looked like but ball wouldnt come back at all...I cleaned the ball with some black magic ball cleaner..(smells like windex
but it still didnt do anything...can someone please help my mom out to what to do wit it?...


Joe Cool

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Re: ball lost edge...or just bowler?
« Reply #1 on: March 05, 2004, 12:04:05 PM »
Odds are that a difference in reaction significant enough to cause that much change would not be the ball.  Perhaps the lane conditions were different, perhaps the bowler was different.  One week is not enough to base anything on.  Keep throwing the ball and see what happens.
Hit the pocket and hope for the best
Hit the pocket and hope for the best


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Re: ball lost edge...or just bowler?
« Reply #2 on: March 08, 2004, 10:16:52 AM »
hey thanks for the advice..
she finally found out what she did wrong and corrected it...she went to state tournement in columbus and is placed second right now in handicap division with a 684 damn good for her...I dont know what she was doing wrong but she went to the tournement and just bowled her butt off...she beat my high series my series...welp not scratch...but thanks for the advice keep in touch

Edited on 3/8/2004 11:12 AM