Equipment Boards => Columbia 300 => Topic started by: J_L_B on February 21, 2005, 06:04:46 PM
First off congrats to all 4 bowlers who made the finals, the US Open has the hardest pattern of the season and they all made it look playable.
Second, Barnes showed the world that he can and does make shots when it counts. He's the quickest to $1 Million EVER!!!! Says alot about Barnes' ability. As much as I'd like to assume that Columbia was the reason he won, I won't be that naive. Barnes could win with a marble if he had to, but it's nice to see Columbia win on the hardest condition of the season, just shows that the equipment they make is very versatile if you know what your'e doing, like Barnes does. Columbia compliments his game very well.
Third, I look forward to seeing Barnes on TV again and again and again the rest of this season on his way to Player of the Year.
Jon Brandon
Columbia Regional Staff
2003 PBA West Region Rookie of the Year
"You win some, you lose most"
i agree i believe that he deserves POY this year he is one of the greatest bowlers and one of the nocest people you will meet in person!!!
*Scatter those pins, baby*
*Get in the Hole*
*Go Chris Barnes*
congrats to chris barnes. you said it right on the show, "it's still mine" and you were right on. it takes a lot of patients and intestinal fortitude to withstand losing streaks on TV. you withstood, overcame and inevitably conquered. i'm sure there will be many more to come. hopefully this will propel you on to POY honors when it is all said and done.
bryan alpert
southwestern sales
columbia 300 inc.