Well, I will disagree on the hot water bath method once a week, that would be bad for it over time, and isn't needed.
my routine which has not let me down yet is clean with Lanemasters/Legends cleaner after every session, then deep clean with Ebonite Clean & dull about every month or so, depending on how much you use the ball.
If you see a notieable amount of reaction loss, which if you do this routine I mentioned every time will take a while. Then you can do a hot water bath to get all the oil out.
I use a spinner to clean all my stuff, and to me it was the best investment I have made.
I also use ebonite powerhouse cleaner, didn't care for it at first, until i got a spinner, and it makes a big difference. Works almost as good a LM/L without the strong smell. Hope this helps, never has let me down.
-Big Bang
-Spare Tire