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Author Topic: Big Shot...  (Read 1420 times)


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Big Shot...
« on: April 19, 2007, 02:39:54 AM »
A little while back, I had a customer come ot me looking for a ball with length and backend.  Since he's a lower rev & lower track player, he needed something with a stronger coverstock.  Based upon a couple reviews and speaking with people, we chose the Big Shot.  We drilled the ball with a 4 X 4 layout and a small weight hole on a line 1.5" past his PAP from the pin.  He took the ball out on a fresh house shot and it absolutely did nothing for him.  Just skid the length of the lane.  Since it was 4000 grit polished, I adjusted the surface to 500 grit abralon and a light polish overtop.  This helped some, but he was still not able able to use it on fresh oil.  Once it broke down some, he was fine, but not on the fresh.  So we brought it back again, and I hit it with a 500 grit pad and left the ball dull.  The ball really wouldn't hardly hook at all, but playing a straighter line he was able to hit the pocket and had surprisingly good carry for something that looked like it had pretty bad entry angle and was still skidding.  I gave him a couple green scotch-brite pads and told him when the ball started to get shiny, lightly go over the surface with one of the pads and some water.  This seemed to work for a little while (maybe 2-3 weeks).  I bowled a tournament with him and he shot well with the ball (690's) and he told me in leagues he had shot a 700 and a couple high 6's with it.  

Well, last night (has owned the ball maybe 3 weeks now), I subbed in leage with him and he claims the ball is dead and won't hook at all now.  After league was finished, I had him throw a few shots and it seems to be the case... the ball pretty much went straight.. it would come back with oil rings on it, but just would not seem to react.  

I've told him multiple times that he HAS to keep the cover clean on the ball (but I don't think he ever cleans it).. he was periodically scuffing it up with the pads... Is it possible that the cover soaked up enough (especially being dull) to kill the reaction in a 3 week period?  He would have bowled 6 nights of league and a 3 game weekend tournament over that period.  Any ideas to help get a little more reaction out of the ball?  I am currently running it through my rejuvenator right now and am planning on just cleaning up the surface again...

Thank You... Only a Year Late!

I was shocked! says Theismann



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Re: Big Shot...
« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2007, 01:23:51 PM »
That sounds weird. In 3 weeks the coverstock should not have died. I have had mine drilled up for about 3 weeks and and haven't had to change the coverstock once and the ball moves a ton for me on the backend.  How do you have his drilled?
"Strive to be perfect,  that is afterall the only way to become perfect."

"If you compare yourself with others,
you may become vain and bitter;
for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans."

Taken from Desiderata

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Re: Big Shot...
« Reply #2 on: April 19, 2007, 03:15:21 PM »
Just sounds like his release doesn't allow him to hook the ball???  What other type of balls does this customer have? And how are they drilled?


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Re: Big Shot...
« Reply #3 on: April 19, 2007, 05:29:21 PM »
I have been using two different big shots for over a month now, one at 1000 dull and one never touched from box. Both are two of the strongest reactions i have ever owned, the 1000 dull ball hooks more than almost anything i have except maybe the infinite one, fury and terminator.

It could be reverse flares going on here, it is my first thought without seeing photos of the oil rings.