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Author Topic: Bowlers Journal Ratings  (Read 4042 times)


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Bowlers Journal Ratings
« on: February 22, 2010, 02:33:32 AM »
How accurate are they?  The Total Bedlam is listed below the Reign of Fire but that probably will not be true if they are at the same surface.  The reign of fire doesn't seem all that different than the T-road Solid based on their ratings although maybe the shape down the lane is different.

Any opinions on them?  Are the BTM ratings more accurate?



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Re: Bowlers Journal Ratings
« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2010, 10:55:43 AM »
I feel like they are off on alot of them. They have given some strong equipment weak ratings, a couple for example. Break pearl a 47, well I may be able to count on 1 hand how many pearls are stronger than that ball. Xtreme Damage 47, they gave a 505A and C, a ebonite Boom, I don't even want to post how many they ranked the same or higher than it, and that is just not true, have seen alot mentioned thrown and they are not capable of the oil handling of that ball. It is a very strong ball OOB and even polished it handles oil very well, they made it to be a light oil ball when it is NOT a light oil ball, it should have been around 52-53. They also gave a Solaris Requiem a 54, that should have been around 58 because that ball is to strong 90% of the time.

I feel like they could be more accurate but everyone is different. It is not something very good to base power of equipment you are looking at.
What is sandbagging???


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Re: Bowlers Journal Ratings
« Reply #2 on: February 22, 2010, 09:32:36 PM »
their ratings are messed up on alot of balls
but the test results when they say the ball perform well and weak
usually accurate


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Re: Bowlers Journal Ratings
« Reply #3 on: March 02, 2010, 07:57:13 PM »
i think bowlers journal is more accurate than btm


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Re: Bowlers Journal Ratings
« Reply #4 on: March 02, 2010, 08:02:51 PM »
I brought this up in another thread.. just unreal how screwed up the numbers are. Cell Pearl stronger then the magic action.. yeah right! IF you notice, most storm/roto balls are ranked higher!
Hmm..Lets see what I have in this bag..A radiated C-System 3.5,an Invasion, a bright red Mission, a Motiv Qz1 Fire ball,and a green Avalanche.. how can I lose....

....HG-300(2006 w/Desert Heat)...299 (03/15/09 w/Agent Orange)...HS-776 (Hot Sauce Pearl & Ebonite Magic)


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Re: Bowlers Journal Ratings
« Reply #5 on: March 02, 2010, 09:21:35 PM »
I feel just the opposite.....

i think bowlers journal is more accurate than btm


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Re: Bowlers Journal Ratings
« Reply #6 on: March 02, 2010, 09:56:25 PM »
I feel just the opposite.....

i think bowlers journal is more accurate than btm

Yeah, this is the only time I've ever seen anyone that thinks that way.
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Re: Bowlers Journal Ratings
« Reply #7 on: March 02, 2010, 11:39:20 PM »
I found this on another website, I do not know if the link will work but it seems they do not show what layouts they use on the bowling balls they are testing. So who knows what they did with balls to get the ratings they have.

ANYONE'S reviews are better than brittions.
Come AMF/900 or don't come at all!!


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Re: Bowlers Journal Ratings
« Reply #8 on: March 03, 2010, 05:04:39 AM »
yeah the ratings are really messed up
they gave bedlam same exact rating as pure swing
yet they stated pure swing hooks more and seems to have more midlane
wat da hao


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Re: Bowlers Journal Ratings
« Reply #9 on: March 04, 2010, 04:33:39 PM »
How accurate are they?  The Total Bedlam is listed below the Reign of Fire but that probably will not be true if they are at the same surface.  The reign of fire doesn't seem all that different than the T-road Solid based on their ratings although maybe the shape down the lane is different.

Any opinions on them?  Are the BTM ratings more accurate?

BJ = Bl)w J)b

total waste of money,
"A man with no skills can be taught. A man with no honor, has nothing."


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Re: Bowlers Journal Ratings
« Reply #10 on: March 08, 2010, 03:15:19 AM »
On Saturday afternoon, I used my Total Bedlam at 2k on a modified house pattern with dirty back ends(the lanes were reoiled several times but the back ends weren't cleaned since Friday morning) and the ball just went through the pattern without any problems.  Playing the same line, my t-road solid at 1k stopped and left me the bucket every time.  Both were drilled pin under, and the TB has a weight hole in the lower quadrant.  The T-road has about 20 games on it and the night before I took it to 500 and used Motiv gel scrub on it and left it for several hours before removing it.

Based on the BJ rating for the TRS I would say there is no way the TB should have the same rating.  It just out rolls, out hooks, and out hits the TRS on that slop they called a pattern.