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Author Topic: BrunsNick vs. JLB MATCH Lefty Tie-Breaker  (Read 9865 times)


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BrunsNick vs. JLB MATCH Lefty Tie-Breaker
« on: January 08, 2007, 04:17:08 AM »
Lefty Houseball SHOWDOWN!

Edited on 1/9/2007 1:27 PM

Edited on 1/11/2007 12:48 PM

Edited on 1/13/2007 1:21 PM

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Edited on 1/15/2007 3:43 PM

Edited on 1/18/2007 3:37 PM



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Re: BrunsNick vs. JLB MATCH Lefty Tie-Breaker
« Reply #16 on: January 11, 2007, 12:01:06 PM »
Just wait til the next match.....

I'm the King of making easy lanes look hard, then easy, then hard...
Jon Brandon
Columbia Regional Staff 04-06
2003 PBA West Region Rookie of the Year
"You don't score, until you score......"


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Re: BrunsNick vs. JLB MATCH Lefty Tie-Breaker
« Reply #17 on: January 11, 2007, 12:06:22 PM »
i cant get the stinkin vid for match 3 to play!


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Re: BrunsNick vs. JLB MATCH Lefty Tie-Breaker
« Reply #18 on: January 11, 2007, 05:45:51 PM »
I was throwing an Apogee, on the inside line, for the first game and first two frames of the second game. Then I switched to the Action Attack for the up the board line for the rest of the night.


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Re: BrunsNick vs. JLB MATCH Lefty Tie-Breaker
« Reply #19 on: January 12, 2007, 06:14:45 AM »
So the reason why Hammer/Ebonite/Brunswick is doing well is because of there staffers?? Not because there balls roll different than Columbia's?  Half of the staffers don't even deserve the contracts they have these day, unless they own/operate a pro shop.  I'm out!!

I agree that they are different and actually match up better then Columbia around here. But you still need people throwing the balls in order for them to be seen on the lanes by the guys that are going to buy them. Back when the Big Bully's came out, I was scoring great with them and had people asking me what I was throwing all the time and out of that, I would say that 25% of the people would go purchase those balls. When the Total Inferno was released early to the staff players around here, the proshop's were backed up with orders because of how the staffers were scoring with them. I can't say that I know a single staff player on columbia 300 or track in the detroit metro area so how are the shop's going to get orders for balls if people can't see them before they are released?


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Re: BrunsNick vs. JLB MATCH Lefty Tie-Breaker
« Reply #20 on: January 12, 2007, 06:24:30 AM »

Thanks for the input but staff players don't always equal sales.  There are many major areas across the United States that don't have staff players.  I wish I could have 10 staffers in every major market but our budget can't afford to do it at the present time.  I wish it was that easy just to sign a bunch of people.  Fortunately, I have a good amount of shops that are supporting the brand more today than in the past.  I think it's relative to product performance and service.  As you see I could go on and on about this topic but I'm sure we don't have time.  

Sounds like your from my area and if you happen to run into me please feel free to talk to me about this situation, I'll be more than happy to discuss your thoughts on this matter.  Thanks...
Joe Jozwik
Midwest Account Manager
Columbia 300, Inc.

The last time I checked, Advisory and Amateur players don't get paid to be on staff, only regional and national players get paid so it's not a matter of budget to pay the players to get the balls in their hands.

Brunswick/Ebonite/Hammer doesn't seem to have a problem getting their balls out to sell more then any other company and after talking to the regular league players that purchase them, it's because they see staff players throwing them before the public can get them and get the feedback from them on how it would work for their games. I'm not saying this has anything to do with you as a sales rep for columbia as your just doing what you can, it has to do with the industry in general. If you look at Hammers staff page, it's HUGE and Storm is known to carry a good amount of people on their staff also but as I've heard, they have cut back on staffers also. Maybe that's why around certain area's you see more Hammer balls then brunswick/ebonite/columbia/track/etc.

It's a matter of getting balls in some of the known players hands to use. It shouldn't matter if they own a proshop, work in one, work in a bowling center, etc. It's not always about award scores or tournaments won either. It should be on who can push the balls to the general public. Even if the players that get the balls aren't part of certain groups.


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Re: BrunsNick vs. JLB MATCH Lefty Tie-Breaker
« Reply #21 on: January 12, 2007, 08:51:59 AM »

Thanks for the input but staff players don't always equal sales.  There are many major areas across the United States that don't have staff players.  I wish I could have 10 staffers in every major market but our budget can't afford to do it at the present time.  I wish it was that easy just to sign a bunch of people.  Fortunately, I have a good amount of shops that are supporting the brand more today than in the past.  I think it's relative to product performance and service.  As you see I could go on and on about this topic but I'm sure we don't have time.  

Sounds like your from my area and if you happen to run into me please feel free to talk to me about this situation, I'll be more than happy to discuss your thoughts on this matter.  Thanks...
Joe Jozwik
Midwest Account Manager
Columbia 300, Inc.

The last time I checked, Advisory and Amateur players don't get paid to be on staff, only regional and national players get paid so it's not a matter of budget to pay the players to get the balls in their hands.

Brunswick/Ebonite/Hammer doesn't seem to have a problem getting their balls out to sell more then any other company and after talking to the regular league players that purchase them, it's because they see staff players throwing them before the public can get them and get the feedback from them on how it would work for their games. I'm not saying this has anything to do with you as a sales rep for columbia as your just doing what you can, it has to do with the industry in general. If you look at Hammers staff page, it's HUGE and Storm is known to carry a good amount of people on their staff also but as I've heard, they have cut back on staffers also. Maybe that's why around certain area's you see more Hammer balls then brunswick/ebonite/columbia/track/etc.

It's a matter of getting balls in some of the known players hands to use. It shouldn't matter if they own a proshop, work in one, work in a bowling center, etc. It's not always about award scores or tournaments won either. It should be on who can push the balls to the general public. Even if the players that get the balls aren't part of certain groups.

To us it does matter because we are able to watch and see if it's working, by having a non pro shop person on staff we can't monitor what is going on.  

I guess the bottom line is if my budget was bigger you would see way more people on staff around this area but it's not and I have to make due with what I have.  It would be nice but it is what it is.  Thankss again for the input.
Joe Jozwik
Midwest Account Manager
Columbia 300, Inc.


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Re: BrunsNick vs. JLB MATCH Lefty Tie-Breaker
« Reply #22 on: January 12, 2007, 09:39:11 AM »
Not a problem JJ. If your bowling the masters then the first drink is on me. I'm sure you won't be hard to find.


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Re: BrunsNick vs. JLB MATCH Lefty Tie-Breaker
« Reply #23 on: January 12, 2007, 09:53:31 PM »

The last time I checked, Advisory and Amateur players don't get paid to be on staff, only regional and national players get paid so it's not a matter of budget to pay the players to get the balls in their hands.

Brunswick/Ebonite/Hammer doesn't seem to have a problem getting their balls out to sell more then any other company and after talking to the regular league players that purchase them, it's because they see staff players throwing them before the public can get them and get the feedback from them on how it would work for their games. I'm not saying this has anything to do with you as a sales rep for columbia as your just doing what you can, it has to do with the industry in general. If you look at Hammers staff page, it's HUGE and Storm is known to carry a good amount of people on their staff also but as I've heard, they have cut back on staffers also. Maybe that's why around certain area's you see more Hammer balls then brunswick/ebonite/columbia/track/etc.

It's a matter of getting balls in some of the known players hands to use. It shouldn't matter if they own a proshop, work in one, work in a bowling center, etc. It's not always about award scores or tournaments won either. It should be on who can push the balls to the general public. Even if the players that get the balls aren't part of certain groups.

Regional Players don't get paid to be on staff. We get an allotment of balls for the year and the option of buying more at a reduced price. I'm sure there are other staff contracts that are different and I'm sure higher profile players get better contracts as well.

As far as my pro shop is concerned, staff players have almost zero impact on sales. I suggest a sale based on what input I get from my customer about what they want or what they need. Sure I have some sales that are based on the "HOT" ball or what they saw on TV, but in my area, those kind of sales are few and far between.
Jon Brandon
Columbia Regional Staff 04-06
2003 PBA West Region Rookie of the Year
"You don't score, until you score......"

Edited on 1/12/2007 10:53 PM


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Re: BrunsNick vs. JLB MATCH Lefty Tie-Breaker
« Reply #24 on: January 13, 2007, 12:23:57 PM »
Back to the Top

Watch me make the Easy house shot look HARD!!!!!
Jon Brandon
Columbia Regional Staff 04-06
2003 PBA West Region Rookie of the Year
"You don't score, until you score......"


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Re: BrunsNick vs. JLB MATCH Lefty Tie-Breaker
« Reply #25 on: January 13, 2007, 12:28:18 PM »
C2, that actually is incorrect. There are some Amateur Staff members out there that do get paid! There aren't many, but some do! If you think about some of the bigger names, I am sure you can come up with a few!

As for Columbia here in Vegas, I do see the fair share of them going down the lane. Now granted it probably isn't as much as say Storm and Ebonite. BUT... then again we do have Storm less than an 8 hr drive from Vegas and we have the West Coast Sales Rep for Ebonite/Hammer here in Vegas. Would probably explain a little as to why you see more of them then anything else.. Just my hunch
George Palumbo
2002 True Amateur Challenge Champion


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Re: BrunsNick vs. JLB MATCH Lefty Tie-Breaker
« Reply #26 on: January 15, 2007, 02:09:53 PM »
Game 2 is up!!!!

Watch me go buck wild all over Little Nicky!!!


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Re: BrunsNick vs. JLB MATCH Lefty Tie-Breaker
« Reply #27 on: January 15, 2007, 02:39:17 PM »
Where do I go to watch these matches. When I click I just get BR.
Think about it!

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Re: BrunsNick vs. JLB MATCH Lefty Tie-Breaker
« Reply #28 on: January 15, 2007, 02:44:04 PM »
try typing into your browser.....

or click this one


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Re: BrunsNick vs. JLB MATCH Lefty Tie-Breaker
« Reply #29 on: January 15, 2007, 02:58:25 PM »
Funny, the link above worked, Thanks. Great bowling by the way!
Think about it!

It is impossible to govern rightly without God and the Bible. - George Washington


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Re: BrunsNick vs. JLB MATCH Lefty Tie-Breaker
« Reply #30 on: January 18, 2007, 02:39:04 PM »
Watch as I TRANSFORM into a good bowler!!!!
Jon Brandon
Columbia Regional Staff 04-06
2003 PBA West Region Rookie of the Year
"You don't score, until you score......"