These balls seem pretty close in comparison to me....
Action Big
Attack Shot
-------------------- ---------------------
Core Centrifugeâ„¢ Centrifugeâ„¢
Coverstock M80^2â„¢ Friction Plus Optimaâ„¢
Sanding Process 3000 Grit Compound TCSâ„¢ (Texture Energy
Control) 4000
Columbia300 Hook Rating
Overall Hook 60 60
Hook in Oil 30 28
Hook in Dry 30 32
Polish None None
Rg 2.469 2.476
Diff. 0.054 0.050
If I was able to purchase an Attack and a Big Shot with same weight, pin placement, same top weight, and then drilled them exactly the same. Then...I sanded the Attack using TCS 4000 Grit, I think these two balls would react the same on the lanes.