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Author Topic: Changing equipment... going from 14# to 15#  (Read 1052 times)


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Changing equipment... going from 14# to 15#
« on: March 21, 2004, 01:08:34 PM »
Hey guys. I'm currently using a Wicked BRT 14# and I'm looking to replace it with two 15# balls, one heavy oil and one medium/light oil. One ball I have set my sights on is the Full Throttle. As for the medium/light oil ball I'm open to any suggestions. I bowl on heavy oil synthethic lanes and am on a second shift league. I'm a tweener with medium revs and my ball speed is around 15 mph. I'm doing ok with my Wicked right now so any ball that's around the same hook... maybe a Throttle-R? I'm just concerned about bowling with a 15# and a 14# ball in my bag. So I'll almost definitely replace my Wicked after I get the Full Throttle/or another heavy oil ball. If anyone knows of a heavy oil ball that hooks well on synthethic lanes, please let me know. I'm open to any suggestions.



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Re: Changing equipment... going from 14# to 15#
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2004, 01:10:08 PM »
I got my full throttle yesterday and I absolutely love it.  my book average is 163, but in the last month or so ive been averaging like 145.  last nite i averaged about 180 with that ball.  I bowl on a house shot, medium heavy.  After league i bowled another 4 games and I had no problems with the lane getting too dry.  Great ball.  i've seen a few other people using the throttle/r and they're shooting great with it too.  My driller also recommended the EGO for a medium oil ball.  Hope all this helps.  if not, SORRY


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Re: Changing equipment... going from 14# to 15#
« Reply #2 on: March 22, 2004, 01:37:30 PM »
Jeff Mop will be along with the definitive answer, but for a medium oil ball, you might want to look at the new Detour.
Cogito ergo bowl


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Re: Changing equipment... going from 14# to 15#
« Reply #3 on: March 22, 2004, 05:21:36 PM »
Thanks guys. Yeah I've also heard great things about the Full Throttle. I'm probably gonna go with that as my heavy oil ball. From reading the forums and reviews on this site, it seems like the Ego is a great medium ball as well. I'll also check out the Detour. Any other suggestions?


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Re: Changing equipment... going from 14# to 15#
« Reply #4 on: March 22, 2004, 09:06:03 PM »
K guys I just picked up a 15 lb Full Throttle drilled stacked leverage. Looking for a medium ball to compliment it.