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Author Topic: Chris Barnes really worth the money  (Read 7194 times)


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Chris Barnes really worth the money
« on: January 08, 2007, 12:31:27 AM »
My question is this, is Chris Barnes really worth the money Columbis put up for him?  To date he has made only one show (I believe) in the 06-07 season.  Last year he did about the same give or take one or two shows and a title.  Is he really worth 1 milion dollars to advertise for Columbia.  

I recall columbia used to be the best ball manufacter in the world and now the company really doesnt have anything it produces that is a "Benchmark ball". Look at morich, brunswick, ebonite, storm.  All these companies have a line up that is really great and works.  

What are your opinions on this?

* I used to love Columbia but when the EPX came out that is when I lost all faith in this company.  What happened to the Tour Boss line and Chaos brands yes they are old but even AMF got smart and reintroduced a Retro Ball.



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Re: Chris Barnes really worth the money
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2007, 09:30:55 AM »
IMO I think he is worth every dime.  What you don't see is all the behind the scene stuff that Chris does.  By far he's one of the most popular bowlers on the tour.

Can you describe "benchmark" ??  I'm guessing your a house hack that averages 180 on a wall and wouldn't know a good ball if it hit you on your nose.  Also it's apparent you don't pay attention to the line because the Wrath series is using the Ti Boss core's??

Lastly you going to loose faith in a company for trying to advance the technology of the game with the Epx ball???  If anything it shows that Columbia is trying to make our game better.  Get a clue buddy..I'm out!


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Re: Chris Barnes really worth the money
« Reply #2 on: January 08, 2007, 09:32:04 AM »
Everyone seems to lose sight of the fact the contract is over an eight year time period - broken down that's 125k/year.  IIRC, his previous contract was at least 100k/year, if not more.  This is a bump of max $25k/year for c/300.  From their standpoint (C300) it's not a bad deal, and not the reason for the actions they have initiated since October of this year. Mike Wolfe and Billy O haven't made TV yet, maybe that reason is the new rep, the balls, the new lane conditions, whatever. Two majors in two years isn't all that bad, plus two Motel 6 deals, all with C300.  Bottom line is C300 thought he was worth the cash so they gave it to him...

BTW - The TiBoss cores are in the Wrath line of covers, no nuggets.

Bowling Services Unlimited
Vise Inserts Staff


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Re: Chris Barnes really worth the money
« Reply #3 on: January 08, 2007, 09:56:31 AM »
And to add. I think that the Action Packed is an excellent bench mark ball.


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Re: Chris Barnes really worth the money
« Reply #4 on: January 08, 2007, 09:59:32 AM »
Frank before you go attacking people about their oppinions understand their side.  I average 220, I bowl many scratch tournaments locally and nationally.  I stated that columbia does not have a Benchmark ball simply because every company has a ball that is 1)noticeable 2)sells 3)is versitale.  Those are what I consider a benchmark ball.  Let me explain a bit better.  Storm has the Paradigm, Brunwick the Inferno line, Morich WMB, Ebonite One series.  Columbia to me doesnt have that.  Yes I own a wrath it does not even perform near my Tourboss Pearl never will same drilling and everything this ball does not move like that.  

Trauma your right.  I agree the overall contract is a little bump.  However, take away the Motel 6 you dont have that much money for chris.  I think he is a good spokesperson for bowling.  But not c300.  I think he simply has limited himself as far as how many titles he wins.  Look at it as a strict business venture.  Yes he is a figurehead for bowling but you sell more bowling equipment by winning then you do being a spokesperson.


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Re: Chris Barnes really worth the money
« Reply #5 on: January 08, 2007, 10:14:19 AM »
I'm not attacking anyone, it's my opionion and I'm entitled to that just as you are.  Great bowling and have fun with your "benchmark equipment".

Shame on Columbia for trying something new..bad columbia bad!!


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Re: Chris Barnes really worth the money
« Reply #6 on: January 08, 2007, 12:24:42 PM »
I would put the Action Series balls up against any other companies balls. The Action Max and Attack are as versatile as I've seen in a long time. The fact is that the C300 reaction is not a "sideways at the breakpoint" type reaction. League hacks like to see the hockey-puck hook on the backend.  If you like strong arcing controllable hook, C300 is about the best there is.
Jon Brandon
Columbia Regional Staff 04-06
2003 PBA West Region Rookie of the Year
"You don't score, until you score......"

Edited on 1/8/2007 1:24 PM


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Re: Chris Barnes really worth the money
« Reply #7 on: January 08, 2007, 12:52:43 PM »
Well said Jonny!!!  I think I've said the same thing 100 times.

Edited on 1/8/2007 2:10 PM


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Re: Chris Barnes really worth the money
« Reply #8 on: January 08, 2007, 01:01:04 PM »
Not all of 125k a year is guaranteed it is performance based if he makes a certain number of shows and wins. So again he is worth all of it if makes the quota's that the contract specifies, Chris is beloved by the fans i do not know him but know guys who do he is not well loved among many upper end bowlers.

Chris has an image of squeeky clean so that is why he is one of the most marketable tour players family guy and so forth blah blah blah. WRW used to be my favorite player until a personal interaction between him and my wife, so image makes you dough but does not make you a nice guy.

Midnite Shadow

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Re: Chris Barnes really worth the money
« Reply #9 on: January 08, 2007, 01:13:32 PM »
I think the Bully series of balls especially The Big Bully are excellent.  I hope to have my Big Bully in my arsenal for a loooooong time.


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Re: Chris Barnes really worth the money
« Reply #10 on: January 08, 2007, 01:54:51 PM »
why does everyone on this site take everything so personally. cant we have a discussion about brands without the fanatical behavior?. frankrizzo calm down. some people don't like columbia. it does not mean that you cannot love and support the columbia brand.
" I'm guessing your a house hack that averages 180 on a wall and wouldn't know a good ball if it hit you on your nose."
this stuff is what makes people leave the site. it is irrelevant to the conversation and is immature. incidentally, everyone on this site who is not a pba pro or regional champion is a "house hack" jeff carter would slaughter anyone on this site and he is struggling on tour. being good is easy being great or pro caliber is extremely difficult. we all are house hacks. lastly i happen to personally know the midwest accounts manager for columbia, joe jozwick and i am sure that while he appreciates your support of the columbia brand he would prefer that you bring people to the brand through your enthusiasm and support of columbia rather than personally attacking people who don't care for columbia balls. we are hopefully all adults here lets learn to have meaningful discussions rather than us vs them confrontations.
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Re: Chris Barnes really worth the money
« Reply #11 on: January 08, 2007, 02:17:29 PM »
I'd like to add a few things about "bench mark" balls.

IMO along with drilling guru's like Denny Torgeson and many others that know quite a bit about lane conditions and laying out arsenals.....bench mark balls are NOT skid flip strong balls.....nor are they balls that are a best selling line for a particular manufacturer.  

Bench mark balls are a ball that a player would have in his arsenal that has an arc like reaction cover average not strong not mild something probably mid RG and mid differential probably in the .045 range.

Bench mark balls are the first ball out of the bag in a tourney not necessarily a THS league as many balls will work on that condition so you don't need a bench mark. It is  ball that as you roll it will give you a very good idea where to play the lane.  Show you what there is out there and potentially how to play the lane.

That ball for me are two that come to mind.  An AMF Radar <pearl reactive> 60 deg. layout pin under ring.  Also a DT original black Vendetta <solid reactive> basic same layout.  Both of these balls are easy to read symmetrical balls that show what is out there and where I should start at.....this to me and most others is what a "bench mark" ball is.  I believe many are using "bench mark" in the wrong connotation.

BTW......I am using more C300 equipment as of late HyJinx and Jinx and for shiny pearl reactives these balls are very easy to read and very arc like.  Although, I don't have one the Action line from what I've seen except for the Action Packed are very rolly low Rg balls.  Very bench mark like.  I'm not sure where folks get the idea they aren't easy to read.  Even the Apogee I saw the other day an asymmetrical is arc like.  YMMV but c'mon the only reason I see C300 not as popular is because as Jon says it's the hockey puck reaction the skid flip of The One series and some others.  I prefer the even arc but that's just me.



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Re: Chris Barnes really worth the money
« Reply #12 on: January 08, 2007, 04:57:01 PM »

Chris must be excited by his association with you...your name and your tag have to be a part of his image he is very very happy with.


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Re: Chris Barnes really worth the money
« Reply #13 on: January 08, 2007, 05:02:24 PM »
Sometimes it's hard to come onto this site because everyone has different opinions and people are entitled to them.  We (Columbia) are working very hard to get the brand back to the top, I do believe that we will get there soon.  

As of our Columbia Team (Barnes, Wolfe and O'Neil) they are all great people and very talented bowlers.  I'm very fortunate to have the chance to work with such great people.  For the Columbia fans that we have and had we greatly appreciate the business and ask you to hang in there with us.  The new Big Shot is going to be special.

Thanks again.

Joe Jozwik
Midwest Account Manager
Columbia 300, Inc.


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Re: Chris Barnes really worth the money
« Reply #14 on: January 08, 2007, 05:04:50 PM »
Yea a guy in his 30's named pimptreyshootah that makes Chris look good, yes i am talking about people who bowled him over the years in megabucks and other tournaments who dislike him.

But i never had anybody that i know dislike Timmy Mack or David Haynes nicest guys that there are out there. Timmy and David treat everyone like they should be treated in fact Haynes will be running his own pro shop very soon in Vegas. He will get alot of business from the fact that he is a very nice guy and knows how to drill very well. I am sticking with my pro shop which is the best in town but i know that Haynes will make it with no problem here.