Equipment Boards => Columbia 300 => Topic started by: htotheizzo3561 on October 19, 2005, 05:58:13 AM
Suprised no one started this.
What do all you epoxy owners clean your with?
Clean n dull? Clean n smooth? Hook it? or illegal acetone??
or What SHOULD you clean it with??
I've used Clean n Dull, seems to work well.
Don't argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell the difference.
One reply only?? You guys aren't cleaning it or what???????
I use the Black Magic Particle Coverstock cleaner.
Clean and dull on a daily basis.Hot water immersion with or without a detergent like Simple Green when it starts to lose it's hook is working for at least one of my customers.

Straight rubbing alcohol and Windex for me. Both seem to work well. I'll probably be using some clean n dull soon... and I may immerse in warm water with Dawn as well.
I was told to clean it as you would any reactive or particle ball...
Big Bully
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Edited on 10/24/2005 10:47 PM
Put the ball in your oven at home, set the temp at 190 degrees, and hope the damned thing melts. Contact your insurance agent and file a claim under your homeowner's policy. Take the $229 dollars and buy any of 18 other pieces of equipment. Until Columbia gets their pouring/formulation issues resolved, they're nothing more than paperweights.
Pain is weakness leaving the body.
Hot water and a little Dawn detergent in a bucket brings mine back to almost (Very, very close) its original state.
After cleaning, I wipe the ball down with a clean, wet cloth, then wipe down with alcohol to speed up the drying process on the coverstock. According to the Columbia reps I have spoken with, the ball should not be thrown for a few hours to ensure the entire ball has cooled to an acceptable level. The core can retain heat the coverstock does not for a couple hours after the cleaning.
Once cleaned like almost every ball I have thrown, the ball will react slightly different for a couple games.
Edited on 11/6/2005 8:06 PM
According to the Columbia reps I have spoken with, the ball should not be thrown for a few hours to ensure the entire ball has cooled to an acceptable level. The core can retain heat the coverstock does not for a couple hours after the cleaning.
How long do you leave it in the water? I have left balls in my rejuvenator for 20 minutes before and although the surface is warm, an inch or so down any of the holes is still the original temperature or close... much less that the surface.
-Strapper Squared
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I soaked mine in hot water for about 45 mins really lightened it up. I actually felt the epoxy/plasticizer coming out, pretty cool. It did make it hook a little more but nothing siginificant. Its very sensitive to the drilling I think.
I've been cleaning mine with just regular ole Energizer Cleaner that Ebonite makes. Hasn't hurt the performance of my EPX at all. Hope this helps! God Bless you all!
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Has anyone tried the Columbia CPR? They make the product but don't ever suggest using this. Anyone know why? Does it make the cover brittle??? I've asked before but they've never answered. If anyone has tried this or know why they haven't every suggested doing so let me know. Also is this hot water treatment that they suggest for the EPX work better on all of their bowling balls vs. the CPR????
You like apples? How do you like these apples?
Just tried hot water with CPR added into the mix today on my EPX. Seems to make ball look and feel brand new. Haven't tried it on the lanes yet though.....
Jon Brandon
Columbia Regional Staff
2003 PBA West Region Rookie of the Year
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