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Author Topic: Columbia 300 Chaos!  (Read 12094 times)


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Columbia 300 Chaos!
« on: December 27, 2018, 01:35:47 PM »

The coverstock from the Savage (Excited Hybrid) wrapped around a low RG symmetrical core.

World Wide Release Date 01/15/19
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Re: Columbia 300 Chaos!
« Reply #16 on: February 19, 2019, 10:00:54 PM »
Wow. This thread seems to be about most everything except the Chaos. ::)
I’m a certified ball whore and own many of the current and recent releaeses from most of the major brands. What I can say is that from my overbloted stash, if I was told I could take only 2 balls with me to a tournament, they would be the Chaos and the Eruption Pro Blue — both Columbia 300 pieces. These 2 balls cover 90% of what you will see on THS and sport shots as well as most other two balls combos on the market. I’m not saying this from the standpoint of being a Columbia homie. It’s an honest assessment of picking from everything I own.
Don’t confuse the lack of what you see around you with what’s effective and what’s not. That’s too narrow of a way of looking at things.

Everything is effective these days. All the companies are putting out good stuff. If somebody knows what they're doing with equipment you can put together a great arsenal from any brand.

I think it's mostly a popularity contest these days and unfortunately some of the brands are going to get pushed way down the list. I'd like to see C300 more widespread again but it is what it is.

Anyways, the Chaos is dirty. This is a legit beast of a ball. I've seen more of it since posting Tamer's review earlier in the thread and if the need arises in the next year or so for something strong and roundish like this it's at the top of my list. I had the Idol pegged for that role but this one beats it out in my opinion. Love the way it rolls.


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Re: Columbia 300 Chaos!
« Reply #17 on: February 19, 2019, 10:45:37 PM »
I had the Idol and didn't really like it like so many do. I threw the Chaos and love the way it shapes. So I sold the idol and looking to get a Chaos.


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Re: Columbia 300 Chaos!
« Reply #18 on: February 20, 2019, 07:38:32 AM »
Don’t confuse the lack of what you see around you with what’s effective and what’s not. That’s too narrow of a way of looking at things.
I personally was not trying to mock C300. Just stating that we see very little of them in our area. They may very well have the best equipment in the industry. But unless they change how they market or who they have throw them, it won't matter much longer.


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Re: Columbia 300 Chaos!
« Reply #19 on: February 20, 2019, 08:08:17 AM »
Columbia is the one brand that I LOVE.  I love other EBI pieces.  I am not a Storm/Roto or Brunswick line fan (yes I have a few pieces and have had more in the past).  Columbia stuff just works for me.  I have not drilled a Chaos yet, I have waited as we don't have a ton of oil in my area and I have several "oil" balls that I like right now.  We have seen the Chaos on TV a couple of times recently and it rolled VERY well. 


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Re: Columbia 300 Chaos!
« Reply #20 on: February 20, 2019, 08:47:24 AM »
Don’t confuse the lack of what you see around you with what’s effective and what’s not. That’s too narrow of a way of looking at things.
I personally was not trying to mock C300. Just stating that we see very little of them in our area. They may very well have the best equipment in the industry. But unless they change how they market or who they have throw them, it won't matter much longer.

They do have a marketing problem. I am not a fan of there graphics. They tried the loud colors a few years ago and we all know how that went..

It's hard to carry 4 brands under one umbrella. Hammer is there top seller with Track and C300 fighting for the bottom.

It's a shame really, two great brands that used to stand on there own. Track used to have a massive following with the Legion. Columbia 300 used to be a big player, but times change and things don't stay the same... Speaking of Track they have a nostalgia piece being introduced 2-21 that will bring some attention to them, I think.


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Re: Columbia 300 Chaos!
« Reply #21 on: February 20, 2019, 11:37:44 AM »
Don’t confuse the lack of what you see around you with what’s effective and what’s not. That’s too narrow of a way of looking at things.
I personally was not trying to mock C300. Just stating that we see very little of them in our area. They may very well have the best equipment in the industry. But unless they change how they market or who they have throw them, it won't matter much longer.

They do have a marketing problem. I am not a fan of there graphics. They tried the loud colors a few years ago and we all know how that went..

It's hard to carry 4 brands under one umbrella. Hammer is there top seller with Track and C300 fighting for the bottom.

It's a shame really, two great brands that used to stand on there own. Track used to have a massive following with the Legion. Columbia 300 used to be a big player, but times change and things don't stay the same... Speaking of Track they have a nostalgia piece being introduced 2-21 that will bring some attention to them, I think.

I would like to see Track make a resurgence. They had a hit with the Paradox series but the well ran dry and the Paradox V was an after the fact release that missed the hype train. The Upper-Mid Performance category of theirs would be a good place to bring a few iconic pieces of the past back and get the Track name back into some hands.

C300 now just seems like the boring store brand item of the group.

Ebonite needs to do something with their Upper-Mid Performance balls. Having a variety of old "One" series balls sitting there and basically nothing else is a bit pathetic. The Mid-Performance is resting on it's GB series, which is fine as Storm Thunder line is basically doing that with the Hyroads.

I honestly think 4 brands is too much for EBI to manage properly, and in turn they give a bit of a re-hashed generic ball factory feel about them that I think hurts public perception and marketing efforts.
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Re: Columbia 300 Chaos!
« Reply #22 on: February 20, 2019, 12:33:38 PM »

Everything is effective these days. All the companies are putting out good stuff. If somebody knows what they're doing with equipment you can put together a great arsenal from any brand.

I think it's mostly a popularity contest these days and unfortunately some of the brands are going to get pushed way down the list. I'd like to see C300 more widespread again but it is what it is.

Anyways, the Chaos is dirty. This is a legit beast of a ball. I've seen more of it since posting Tamer's review earlier in the thread and if the need arises in the next year or so for something strong and roundish like this it's at the top of my list. I had the Idol pegged for that role but this one beats it out in my opinion. Love the way it rolls.

What you said above in bold is pretty accurate. I had just drilled up a Hammer Web Tour when the Chaos came out. Watching Tamer's review as well as Dom Barrett and Bill O'Neil throw it on TV got me intrigued. Still, I was afraid the Chaos was too much overlap with the Web Tour, but I pulled the trigger anyway.  ;D  With it's higher differential, the Chaos is just more ball than the Web Tour. I'm using it on our league 43' sport shot, and it's very impressive. I have a handful of current "oil" balls (Storm Sure lock, Brunswick Quantum Bias, Columbia Lit, Track Paradox Black), and the Chaos is a definite step up.

Buying a lot of equipment, I normally don't get excited about any single one. Most balls are at least OK. It's fun to call out the rare releases that are special among the rest, and the Chaos is one of them.


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Re: Columbia 300 Chaos!
« Reply #23 on: February 20, 2019, 12:46:30 PM »
Don’t confuse the lack of what you see around you with what’s effective and what’s not. That’s too narrow of a way of looking at things.
I personally was not trying to mock C300. Just stating that we see very little of them in our area. They may very well have the best equipment in the industry. But unless they change how they market or who they have throw them, it won't matter much longer.

They do have a marketing problem. I am not a fan of there graphics. They tried the loud colors a few years ago and we all know how that went..

It's hard to carry 4 brands under one umbrella. Hammer is there top seller with Track and C300 fighting for the bottom.

It's a shame really, two great brands that used to stand on there own. Track used to have a massive following with the Legion. Columbia 300 used to be a big player, but times change and things don't stay the same... Speaking of Track they have a nostalgia piece being introduced 2-21 that will bring some attention to them, I think.

I would like to see Track make a resurgence. They had a hit with the Paradox series but the well ran dry and the Paradox V was an after the fact release that missed the hype train. The Upper-Mid Performance category of theirs would be a good place to bring a few iconic pieces of the past back and get the Track name back into some hands.

C300 now just seems like the boring store brand item of the group.

Ebonite needs to do something with their Upper-Mid Performance balls. Having a variety of old "One" series balls sitting there and basically nothing else is a bit pathetic. The Mid-Performance is resting on it's GB series, which is fine as Storm Thunder line is basically doing that with the Hyroads.

I honestly think 4 brands is too much for EBI to manage properly, and in turn they give a bit of a re-hashed generic ball factory feel about them that I think hurts public perception and marketing efforts.

The Upper-Mid Performance category of theirs would be a good place to bring a few iconic pieces of the past back and get the Track name back into some hands.

You are going to be happy with anouncement!!

Impending Doom

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Re: Columbia 300 Chaos!
« Reply #24 on: February 20, 2019, 12:55:21 PM »
Don’t confuse the lack of what you see around you with what’s effective and what’s not. That’s too narrow of a way of looking at things.
I personally was not trying to mock C300. Just stating that we see very little of them in our area. They may very well have the best equipment in the industry. But unless they change how they market or who they have throw them, it won't matter much longer.

They do have a marketing problem. I am not a fan of there graphics. They tried the loud colors a few years ago and we all know how that went..

It's hard to carry 4 brands under one umbrella. Hammer is there top seller with Track and C300 fighting for the bottom.

It's a shame really, two great brands that used to stand on there own. Track used to have a massive following with the Legion. Columbia 300 used to be a big player, but times change and things don't stay the same... Speaking of Track they have a nostalgia piece being introduced 2-21 that will bring some attention to them, I think.

I would like to see Track make a resurgence. They had a hit with the Paradox series but the well ran dry and the Paradox V was an after the fact release that missed the hype train. The Upper-Mid Performance category of theirs would be a good place to bring a few iconic pieces of the past back and get the Track name back into some hands.

C300 now just seems like the boring store brand item of the group.

Ebonite needs to do something with their Upper-Mid Performance balls. Having a variety of old "One" series balls sitting there and basically nothing else is a bit pathetic. The Mid-Performance is resting on it's GB series, which is fine as Storm Thunder line is basically doing that with the Hyroads.

I honestly think 4 brands is too much for EBI to manage properly, and in turn they give a bit of a re-hashed generic ball factory feel about them that I think hurts public perception and marketing efforts.

The Upper-Mid Performance category of theirs would be a good place to bring a few iconic pieces of the past back and get the Track name back into some hands.

You are going to be happy with anouncement!!

Not bad, man. Not bad at all.


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Re: Columbia 300 Chaos!
« Reply #25 on: February 20, 2019, 01:33:19 PM »
They are bringing back the EPX?  <Ducks shoes>
Here today.  Gone tomorrow.

Walking E

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Re: Columbia 300 Chaos!
« Reply #26 on: February 20, 2019, 09:55:48 PM »
I think one thing Columbia 300 needs to bring back is the U-Dot, preferably the Wine U-Dot to differentiate it from the other black urethane balls out there. With all the attention being given to urethane these days it seems like the market would be there to re-introduce one of the iconic urethane balls of it's day. Just stick a modified Resurgence core in it to bring it up to date and watch it disappear from the shelves.


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Re: Columbia 300 Chaos!
« Reply #27 on: February 21, 2019, 06:10:34 AM »
I think one thing Columbia 300 needs to bring back is the U-Dot, preferably the Wine U-Dot to differentiate it from the other black urethane balls out there. With all the attention being given to urethane these days it seems like the market would be there to re-introduce one of the iconic urethane balls of it's day. Just stick a modified Resurgence core in it to bring it up to date and watch it disappear from the shelves.
That's what they did with the "Classic U2' but everyone bought the Blue Hammer instead. Except for me  ::)
The Future of Bowling: Bowling is a once-popular tavern game played with a heavy ball and ten pins.


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Re: Columbia 300 Chaos!
« Reply #28 on: March 01, 2019, 08:47:54 AM »
I just got used Columbia 300 yellow dot. I was wondering where can I get more info about the ball I have(like cover stock, core, etc). The serial number starts with 7B****