Shark Pattern - 43ft.
This pattern is supposed to force you to play inside angles since there is supposed to be too much oil down lane outside of about 10 board, but for whatever reason outside angles played better for A squad and I decided to play tight inside to begin with and see what happens.
I used the U-Turn Particle Pearl the entire day. Drilled 4 1/2 x 3 1/2. first game my inside line worked for a 231 playing about 18 to 12. Second game I wasn't coming out of the ball very good for a 165 and decided to move right and try to straighten up my angles to just keep it simple til I started throwing it better.
Well it worked out that the straighter line was actually the better line for the next 4 games. Playing about 12 to 7 just letting the ball roll seemed to give me some room to miss, which is just what I need
Game 7 the heads dried up on the pair I was on and I was forced to move deeper inside to about 22 at the arrows to around 12 at the breakpoint. I managed to shoot 226 that game and then just move a lil right each of the next two games to stay in the pocket.
Overall a good day, stayed in the pocket a lot and kept it simple with my moves across the house. We'll see how Scorpion plays tomorrow as I have the morning block at 9am.
Jon Brandon
Columbia Regional Staff 04-06
2003 PBA West Region Rookie of the Year
"You don't score, until you score......"