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Author Topic: Columbia and Yellow  (Read 1603 times)


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Columbia and Yellow
« on: July 01, 2004, 06:28:14 AM »
Ok, is it just me or is it every time columbia tries to make a yellow performance ball, there is not or almost no yellow? I just find this strange because both on the Messenger TEC and the Alter ego there is pretty much almost no yellow. Is it just that columbia has trouble with this color, or they just don't use it in real life (or at least much of it)

PS: I am not talking about the green/yellow/red white dot, because that was the only successful yellow ball, but was *not* a performance ball)
Storm need more YELLOW and ORANGE balls!


The great one

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Re: Columbia and Yellow
« Reply #1 on: July 01, 2004, 10:07:38 PM »
I don't remember that the alter ego or the tec messenger were supposed to be yellow...


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Re: Columbia and Yellow
« Reply #2 on: July 01, 2004, 11:13:12 PM »
I don't remember that the alter ego or the tec messenger were supposed to be yellow...

I didn't mean complety yellow, sorry if I confused you, just patially yellow; the Alter ego is Red/Yellow/Green (technically) and the TEC messenger is red/blue/yellow (technically)

Decker, I don't need a golden nugget, nor do I wan't one. If im getting a yellow ball, it gonna be the Mayhem, becuase my fear factors' a dud.
Storm need more YELLOW and ORANGE balls!

Edited on 7/1/2004 11:09 PM

BuddiesProShopcom - Bill

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Re: Columbia and Yellow
« Reply #3 on: July 09, 2004, 04:09:26 AM »
I can say that when you are plugging a ball that it is hard to get yellow to show in a ball, when there are other dark colors. The dark colors over power the light color of yellow. I am sure that this happens when they pour the ball.  

I also think that when you have really bring colors in a ball it will burn up too fast.  The White XS, Yellow Sun Storm, Apex Intensity.
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