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Author Topic: Columbia balls  (Read 1445 times)


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Columbia balls
« on: September 14, 2009, 03:55:51 PM »
Hi I would like to try out the Full Swing...Just like to know will there be any coverstock problem if I am to clean it after every bowling session. Please advice...thanks !
In my bag :
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Buzzsaw Clear Diamond



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Re: Columbia balls
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2009, 10:24:47 PM »
Think about this, how do Ebonite balls hold up without cleaning after every set, now consider this, All Columbia balls, Hammer balls & Ebonite balls come from the same factory in Hopkinsville Kentucky, so the obvious answer is: Yes, if you want more than 100 games from the Full Swing, cleaning after every set is just part of being an Ebonite produced product owner.
Seahawks Fan! I don't hate other NFL teams, just their Fan's!

Let me first say, I am not trying to start anything with this post.  But, is what you say so different for other companies?  I have seen all companies have performance issues after a number of games.  I don't think it is limited to one company.


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Re: Columbia balls
« Reply #2 on: September 16, 2009, 09:38:05 AM »
Thanks for the comments guys....I have went ahead to purchase not only the Full Swing but the Bedlam as well...this two balls will be my league balls for the new season...hope that with proper maintenance after league and practice, these two balls will last me for the next 52 league weeks ! Thanks !
In my bag :
2nd Dimension
Buzzsaw Clear Diamond


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Re: Columbia balls
« Reply #3 on: September 16, 2009, 10:03:08 AM »
Think about this, how do Ebonite balls hold up without cleaning after every set, now consider this, All Columbia balls, Hammer balls & Ebonite balls come from the same factory in Hopkinsville Kentucky, so the obvious answer is: Yes, if you want more than 100 games from the Full Swing, cleaning after every set is just part of being an Ebonite produced product owner.
Seahawks Fan! I don't hate other NFL teams, just their Fan's!

This is such a myth.  I work in a proshop, and of course always preach keeping up surface maintenance on bowling balls, but the fact is I never do this myself.  I have had numerous bowling balls within the Ebo lines, none of which have ever "died" on me.  I never clean them except for the occasional redo of the factory cover, not even a resurface, but just a surface touch up.  i have an original black widow that has easily over 1000 games on it, and it rolls as good now as it did when I originally got it.  Cleaning your bowling balls regularly will def help keep it rolling well, but the main reason people see loss of reaction is simply because the surface is a bit beat up and just needs to be touched up.  

So to the original poster, have no worries in the Full Swing "dieing" on you.  I currently have a Power Swing that I haven't cleaned once since getting it and have used it in a bunch of tournaments, practice, and league regularly, as well as out at Nationals and it still rolls great.  
Good luck with the Full Swing, it looks like a phenomenal ball


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Re: Columbia balls
« Reply #4 on: September 19, 2009, 09:16:15 PM »
Thanks NoseofRI
I have play around with the Full Swing and Bedlam and you are right both are very good regrets at all. Both with definitely be my go to balls for the new league.
With a little more speed I can even play both balls straight down the 1st arrow and they still get the job done....

In my bag :
Full Swing
Buzzsaw Clear Diamond

Edited on 9/19/2009 10:03 PM