The is absolutely no reason in the bowling world to blame a ball for leaving a 10 pin. You throw it; therefore, you are responsible for what happens. If you've left 7 ten pins in one game .... I cannot imagine that every adjustment you made did not work. You had to have made at least 5 separate adjustments in those 7 ten pins.
Some suggestions:
Move feet outside,
move feet forward,
add rotation to your release (if your fingers normally finish at 4:30, finish at 3:30 or 4:00 to add more backend),
use the same ball with the pin at 3.5" from PAP instead of 4" from PAP,
Sand your ball slightly fo rearlier hook,
move your target closer to the foul line for earlier hook,
move your target further outside into the dry so it will hook more.
If none of these methods work, take up crocheting.
"Just because you can do something does not mean you should do it."