Equipment Boards => Columbia 300 => Topic started by: thedjs on April 26, 2005, 01:38:14 PM
I have been using a Hyde for a few months and am very pleased with its reaction on a medium heavy oil condition. It is drilled with the pin to the right and below the ring finger and the pin is 3 3/8" from the pap. Columbia rates this ball as having a total hook of 39. (17 in oil and 22 for dry)
To have a stronger ball for heavy conditions I just picked up a Bully and have it drilled very similar to my Hyde only with the pin 4" from the pap. Columbia rates this ball as having a total hook of 53 (27 in oil and 26 on dry).
I tried both of these balls on a medium condition with some carry down. The Hyde out hooks the Bully by several boards. Tried the balls going straight up the boards and then swinging it from 15 to about 8. Same thing each time, the Hyde was stronger. In fact, it acted as if there was no carrydown. Is the Bully just not very good on carrydown? Is it possible that the Columbia hook ratings are wrong? Based on their ratings, the Hyde would be one of the weakest of the Columbia balls.
Has anyone used both of these balls and, if so, what were your results?
Would appreciate any comments.
i got have a hyde and its a good ball. the hyde i use for med-linght. my friend has the big bully. he could throw it on heavy oil. so i think the big bully hooks more. it could out hook my hyde by like 8 boards maybe. i like my hyde better though.
First of all both balls are NOT drilled the same.
Also maybe your Hyde has dulled up with use.
And yes for pure backend A pure reactive like the Hyde will cover more boards in the back than say the Bully(which is a hybrid coverstock) not particle but not standard pure reactive..
It is my impression that usually most companies rate their newer or more expensive balls as having a little more hook than their older or cheaper stuff.
As is stated above the eyes often tend to see hook as backend a big bully might appear to have quite a bit more hook than the more even and rounded Bully.
Drill them both the same and compare and you will probably see an increase in teh Bully hook but not quite equal to what the numbers show!