I would say it was a great tournament overall for Columbia. To have two staff guys make one show says alot, regardless of the results on the show. Remember they were bowling in an arena setting, not the lanes where the whole tournament was staged.
Besides, Tommy is going to beat anyone with his reaction and the way he's bowling right now. It's not like Malott bowled a bad game, but when someone goes front 10 on you, what are you supposed to do?
Barnes looked like he was using the Action just to use it and not cause it gave him the best reaction. Looked to me like it burned up too soon and lost hit whereas Tommy was going with a bigger angle and more skid-snap type attack.
Either way you look at, I'm sure alot of ball companies would love to have 2 guys on any given show, let's give some props to Columbia for getting it done the first week.
Jon Brandon
Columbia Regional Staff
2003 PBA West Region Rookie of the Year
"You win some, you lose most"