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Author Topic: columbia quietly buying epx balls  (Read 6223 times)

sammy the sage

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columbia quietly buying epx balls
« on: June 26, 2006, 11:44:54 AM »
back from their distributer's...but it's no re-call...ROFLMAO



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Re: columbia quietly buying epx balls
« Reply #16 on: June 27, 2006, 10:53:41 PM »
(Columbia quietly buying EPX's)  back from their distributer's...but it's no re-call...ROFLMAO

I just hate the LACK OF HONESTY by the big companies in general...

JUST TELL THE @#$%^&*&^^%$# TRUTH....

I don't care if it's the phone, insurance, used car or bowling ball company.....if you're TOO DENSE to comprehend that...well you're probably being added to my list of 1000+ others on my ignore button.

So, you want to take a completely unfounded shot at Columbia, then want to get offended when people take offense at your rambling?  *sigh*

Yes, Columbia didn't market this ball well.  But from what I've seen, everyone who has given this ball an honest chance to preform on the intended lane conditions has been happy.  Looks like a great ball for wet/dry or taking the lane condition out of play.

I don't know who jls31316 is, but he needs to take a trip to the wizard to see about a "brane".
Penn State Proud

Ron Clifton's Bowling Tip Archive


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Re: columbia quietly buying epx balls
« Reply #17 on: June 27, 2006, 11:32:57 PM »
Ok, let me add my name to the list of satisfied users of the EPX.  I bought mine just after they first came out because I was curious about the new epoxy cover.  This was the first Columbia ball that I bought in quite a few years apart from my White Dot and I dont see the problems that non-owners or non-users of this ball are complaining about.


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El Capitán

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Re: columbia quietly buying epx balls
« Reply #18 on: June 29, 2006, 10:16:39 AM »
y'all are acting like kids.

And I quote:

"Arguing on the internet is like running in the Special Olympics. No matter who wins, you're still retarded."

Delete the post, sammy? Save people the energy.
The Striking King.
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El Capitán

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Re: columbia quietly buying epx balls
« Reply #19 on: June 29, 2006, 10:50:04 AM »
I like you cus you're a Cubs fan.
The Striking King.
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Re: columbia quietly buying epx balls
« Reply #20 on: June 29, 2006, 05:54:46 PM »
Interesting how jls31316 deletes the post I was talking about, then want to take cheap shots at me.  Ok, so let me see the logic here.  Sammy can say something that's obviously false and it's OK.  I disagree with him and I'm an idiot.  According to your own post (at least while it's still there) I'm entitled to have a different opinion from someone else.

Yes, I did take a cheap shot at you, but if you ever posted anything worth reading on this site, I would have let your other (deleted) post go.  Next time I'll quote the post so I won't look bad in hindsight.  People like you and BrianCRX90 never offer anything useful to the board.  Only pessimism and complaints.  Never anything to promote the sport or help another poster.

Sammy's post implies that all or many EPX's are defective and Columbia will buy them back no questions asked, whether or not there is anything wrong with the ball.  Even though Sammy says it a "no-recall" you know that's what he's implying.
Penn State Proud

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Re: columbia quietly buying epx balls
« Reply #21 on: June 29, 2006, 07:40:15 PM »
The funny thing is that some of you think that Columbia buying back EPXs (or any ball) from the dist. is not a common occurence.

Storm does this quite a bit too. Imagine if a distributor had to sit on every manufacturer's "Duds" every year. On my close-out list from my distributor there is no ball on the list from Storm higher than the Hot Rod Pro Stock. Which means to me that every high end Storm ball left over was bought back from the dist. by Storm.

By the way, I still use mine on the right condition, no cracking issues on any EPX that I've sold here in So. Cal.
Jon Brandon
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Fluff E Bunnie

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Re: columbia quietly buying epx balls
« Reply #22 on: June 30, 2006, 08:46:50 AM »
Erase the hate.
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Re: columbia quietly buying epx balls
« Reply #23 on: June 30, 2006, 07:55:05 PM »
My last post to jls31316.

ps when i was in the 5th grade, i believe we spelled "brain" b-r-a-i-n.

I spelled it that way on purpose, that's why it was in quotations.  I guess it flew right over your head.  Certainly you have no room to make fun of anyone else's spelling or grammar.

And please tell me how you think you can take the high road after all the insults you post, even when nothing derogatory is said first.  I didn't even feel like looking up the many barbs you have been throwing at Ragnar.  I'm sure there are many other examples.

your right, sorta, poking fun and insulting people on the net. makes you look stupid.

now maybe if strider and sil lot had made it to the 5th grade…

people who do post at 4 am in their underwear do not concern me, nor do i care about their cute liitle tacky remarks, especially when they quote shakesphere or who ever.

do you just love these know it alls that love to put anyone down who doesn't agree with their point of view, and remember it's their web site, and don't put thrash on it. and than they show everyone how bad they are by knocking and insulting people.
sir lot, / strider get a life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

shelly, may i call you shelly?
anyway, don't get ragnor upset, otherwise he will post shakesphere type things to you. and that might mess up your shooting at the 10 pin.
and whatever you do, don't say he drives a volvo, cause he don't
he "be a driving a pt."
also try not to mention raymond to him.

strider here on planet earth, BEER is the single most important thing in bowling.

and what planet do you play golf on?

no hate their, there is a sayan,
"dime a dozen", those two guys guys are not even "2 cents".

they just think they own this site and want everyone to kiss their butts. and if you dare to prove them wrong or have a different view, your in the 5th grade and need a BRANE!!!!!!!! did they mean BRAIN?????

People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

I'm out.
Penn State Proud

Ron Clifton's Bowling Tip Archive

Edited on 6/30/2006 9:00 PM

loosey goosey baby

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Re: columbia quietly buying epx balls
« Reply #24 on: July 04, 2006, 02:54:41 PM »
jls31316 stirring up the pot for no reason. what's new? most of your whining makes no sense. but hey, happy 4th -- cheers.
amazing how everyone here knows everything!!


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Re: columbia quietly buying epx balls
« Reply #25 on: July 06, 2006, 09:36:40 AM »
If saying we never had a coulmbia epx crack is stirring up trouble,  were guity.
if saying that a dist, did tell us that columbia did exchange some epx ball's is stirring up trouble, guilty
several people attacked sammy the sage on this post,  all we did was confirm that columbia did exchange some epx balls.
you like several others probably did not like the fact that maybe sammy the sage was accurate in his post, so you choose to attack anyone who may not have taken your point of view.

if you knew what you read, you would understand this.

get a life,  and goodbye

Edited on 7/6/2006 9:28 AM

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Edited on 7/6/2006 9:32 AM