seems like all we hear about nowadays is brunswick this, brunswick that, AI this, blah blah blah. I will admit, brunswick is making some good stuff right now, but doesn't it seem like other companies are producing balls that are comprable if not better than some of brunswick's stuff? and what do you hear about them? almost nothing. this is not bashing brunswick the company, b/c in the company's point of view, they're doing a fantastic job, i'm bashing the narrow-minded people who will give no other company a chance, because they're "loyal." news flash...brunswick does not care how loyal you are in their're a dollar sign...brunswick doesn't even know your why not try focusing on what ball/equipment will benefit your game and not what "brunswick ball/equipment" you could buy up next.
for instance, the bully series is a fantastic series in my opinion. in my bag right now, i've got lots of different stuff, columbia, roto grip, track, storm, and yes, a brunswick.
what i'm tryin to say is just because one company makes one good ball, doesn't make a)all their stuff good and/or
b)everybody elses bad
sorry had to vent. what does everyone else think?