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Author Topic: columbia under-rated?  (Read 2860 times)

Matt Fortney

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columbia under-rated?
« on: April 18, 2005, 07:48:26 PM »
seems like all we hear about nowadays is brunswick this, brunswick that, AI this, blah blah blah. I will admit, brunswick is making some good stuff right now, but doesn't it seem like other companies are producing balls that are comprable if not better than some of brunswick's stuff? and what do you hear about them? almost nothing. this is not bashing brunswick the company, b/c in the company's point of view, they're doing a fantastic job, i'm bashing the narrow-minded people who will give no other company a chance, because they're "loyal." news flash...brunswick does not care how loyal you are in their're a dollar sign...brunswick doesn't even know your why not try focusing on what ball/equipment will benefit your game and not what "brunswick ball/equipment" you could buy up next.

for instance, the bully series is a fantastic series in my opinion. in my bag right now, i've got lots of different stuff, columbia, roto grip, track, storm, and yes, a brunswick.

what i'm tryin to say is just because one company makes one good ball, doesn't make a)all their stuff good and/or
     b)everybody elses bad

sorry had to vent. what does everyone else think?



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Re: columbia under-rated?
« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2005, 09:30:01 AM »
I think you are right Fortney in the regard that people are somewhat narrowminded to throwing one company but you cannot deny that brunswick is making great stuff and people want to take advantage of that. Big B has top sellers in almost all catergories of equipment and the company is versital. They are one of the best overall companies in bowling because they put quality in every aspect of bowling equipment. I, for example, love what columbia, track, storm, and roto-grip are coming out with. However, only track has stepped up and made a new benchmark ball/s, with the Heat and among others like the Exception & Slash. If anything other companies need to step up their equipment to the level of brunswicks.
While Brunswick's customer service sucks, the product manager is very good and is quick to help with any concerns you might have.
Oh yeah, brother don't apologize for venting. Your amongst friends here and that is what we are here for.
I realized that I am a bum! The more I learn the worse I bowl. The faster my feet the more I strike. Why?? I can't tell you why cause I don't know myself. I have learned that you perfect what you do best and be good at what you do. Loft the ball, fast feet, whatever, just enjoy the game and don't complain when you lose. Learn from it and move on.
"I live to bowl but great bowlers bowl to live."-my philosophy.

I have left a pocket 3-9 with a 16lb bowling ball. How'd I do it?????? UHHHHH IOONO Practice James has yet to step up to tourney James.

Matt Fortney

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Re: columbia under-rated?
« Reply #2 on: April 19, 2005, 09:56:09 AM »
i do agree, brunswick is puttin out some great stuff, but i hate it when somebody says something like.."brunswick is the best, everything else is crap"..and for that matter, not just about brunswick. i guess i'm just sick of everyone's complaining....sort of like the thing i'm doing right i just hate to see good products get ignored, that's all.


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Re: columbia under-rated?
« Reply #3 on: April 19, 2005, 10:01:30 AM »
Yeah, I understand what you're saying. We as bowlers must learn that while equipment is a key, it is not the key.
I realized that I am a bum! The more I learn the worse I bowl. The faster my feet the more I strike. Why?? I can't tell you why cause I don't know myself. I have learned that you perfect what you do best and be good at what you do. Loft the ball, fast feet, whatever, just enjoy the game and don't complain when you lose. Learn from it and move on.
"I live to bowl but great bowlers bowl to live."-my philosophy.

I have left a pocket 3-9 with a 16lb bowling ball. How'd I do it?????? UHHHHH IOONO Practice James has yet to step up to tourney James.


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Re: columbia under-rated?
« Reply #4 on: April 19, 2005, 10:38:41 AM »
I think part of it is simply the really active community for Brunswick on this board.  Brunswick has several employees posting here as representatives of the company and as product specialists.  Track is the same way.  There are several people who are on the Track staff and really know their stuff that post regularly (even often).  

I don't really watch the Columbia board much, so I can't say for sure if there is that much support from Columbia here but I haven't really seen it, especially not to the extent of Brunswick and Track.



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Re: columbia under-rated?
« Reply #5 on: April 19, 2005, 12:04:57 PM »
I've had the opportunity to buy a number of balls and research what I want. I always find myself getting Columbia for my main ball (Currently using a Big Bully) and Ebonite for my drier lanes and spare balls. (I still throw the skull ball for spares ... I'm such a dork.) I still think The Wildcat was one hell of a ball and just recently got a "new" one that never left the box from a garage sale.  Karma is nice.

Columbia has never done me wrong, neither has Ebonite. Why pay higher end for similar results? They weren't kidding when they named their coverstock "M80."  Me like much. Yes. Big Bully my precioussssss

I'm not a pro ... but I play one on TV!


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Re: columbia under-rated?
« Reply #6 on: April 19, 2005, 02:11:25 PM »
The Inferno line are a good mix for the Overreactive tour conditions where they do little buffing.

One hardly ever heard about Brunswick over the last few years because in general they did not win on tour much until this last season 2004 2005.  The new brunswick oils combined with these smoother activator cover balls and the brunswick oils and lanes were a match made in heavan.

Storm has been the hit o fthe last few years until this year!

Columbia makes great stuff especially for my local league conditions!
Just awesome as does storm.

Brunswick is used very little in my local area(lower oil volumes).


PS and then if you like Columbia cores with assymetrics then Track is a great choice for you.
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James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: columbia under-rated?
« Reply #7 on: April 19, 2005, 08:45:50 PM »
I currently have Track, an older Columbia, Roto-Grip, Ebonite, a storm spare ball, and 3 MoRich balls in my bag.  All 3 of the MoRich balls have brunswick covers on them, but the thing that really sets me off is the core strength in Mo's stuff.  My point is that i keep a variety of stuff in my bag, because like I have posted before, every company is good.  In regards to Columbia, I do not prefer their newer stuff, but I agree that their mid-price selection is outstanding.  I think that is the reason while they continue to sell balls, because to me, their high-end stuff isn't cutting it.  Now With my Enfatuation with MoRich, they just match up for me.  I have had 3 Brunswick balls in the last year, and they all had the typical early Brunswick roll.  I really like their covers, as they are very versatile, but the match-up of Brunswick covers and MoRich cores is a match made in heaven.  I can see myself throwing mostly MoRich equipment, as soon as the Sahara hits the market.  MMMMMMMMmmmmmm Punisher cover and Ravage core, Mo is really a genius!!!
*Erie Community College bowling*

Buffalo bowlers are the best all around in the country.


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Re: columbia under-rated?
« Reply #8 on: April 19, 2005, 08:57:11 PM »
You hear this because Brunswick and Track are very well represented on these boards. C300 and Ebonite and such are not. Now look around your bowling area...I see many ppl throwing brunswick,columbia,track,ebonite, heck I've seen ppl throwing visionary actually. You hear this because of the staffers and such on these boards. I'm sure columbia 300 is good but don't assume they are underatted strictly by what you hear on these boards. Another thing is look at the PBA. C300 has basically one winning bowler, Chris Barnes. Brunswick has Norm Duke(not a staffer but won with their stuff), Amleto, Mika, and I remember seeing Traber and Loschetter throwing big b stuff also. While ebonite has tommy and hammer has PA. Track has WRW and at the TOC duke and goebel were using track. Heck dynothane has steve jaros! I understand why you would like to hear more about C300 but there is no representation of it around here and it wasn't all over the PBA. I also think people believe they match up better with Big B balls better than others. I know I despise C300, but love Track which makes no sense. It's just what you match up with.
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-I will forever love this great game, I love the people and the competition, I only wish the best would get the recognition of an ATHLETE that they deserve.