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Author Topic: Columbia300 Power Torq 9/24/21  (Read 13196 times)

Juan Fonseca

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Columbia300 Power Torq 9/24/21
« on: September 21, 2021, 12:22:34 PM »
Columbia300 Power Torq (WWRD 09/24/2021)
Not a re-make, just a great nameplate from the past. Here comes the Power Torq. Columbia300 is back to pouring multi-density cores and DynamiCore has been added! Made for medium-heavy volumes, the ERT solid cover has a light load of traction-enhancing sparkle that’s new to the C300 family. All this adds up to a ball with length and traction for a continuous motion out of the pattern. There is an alternate core in 12-13 lbs. to keep the reaction close to the heavier                      weights. The Sky Blue color with the yellow engraving is very eye catching!
Juan Fonseca
Fill The Frames Bowling Services


Matt C

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Re: Columbia300 Power Torq 9/24/21
« Reply #1 on: September 27, 2021, 02:43:46 PM »
Picked one up on release day.  14lbs

Drilled appx 4 1/2 x 20 x 75  Pin under middle finger cg way right.

My house shot is a fairly normal one.. puddle in the middle and drier outside which forces you deeper to start the night.  Was not sure what i would get with this ball but was hopeful.  My Zen Master was way to strong and wanted a solid that was strong, but not silly

I was completely pleased with the ball reaction, it sailed down the lane and made a very late strong arc to the pocket.. Continuation was superb, and took to hand position changes well.   Had to put it away when i was forced to deep as it started leaving weak 10s.

Overall... for my first Columbia ball in .. well forever, I am more than pleased with this piece.
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