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Author Topic: Columbia300 Ricochet Pearl (WWRD 11/21/2024)  (Read 2415 times)

Juan Fonseca

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Columbia300 Ricochet Pearl (WWRD 11/21/2024)
« on: November 07, 2024, 01:21:15 PM »
Columbia300 Ricochet Pearl      @15lbs 2488 .054   HK22C/DynamiCore/D.O.T. 12-16lbs
WWRD 11/21/2024    (12-16lbs) Alternate Cores 12-13lbs   Volume- Medium
Core- Ricochet (NEW)      Coverstock- HK22C Micro Flex (NEW)
The C300 Ricochet line was very popular in its day. The newly redesigned version gives a true skid/snap motion (in conjunction with a bowler’s release) for today’s oils and lane surfaces. While the cores a similar in appearance, the design is an earlier revving engine using lower RG and higher Diff values. That paired with a very shiny cover that has a HK22C base and Micro Flex additive, the motion will be for the later games and when bowlers need to open up there angles. Bowlers looking to move in and let it go will have a fun time. This top line ball gets the full package of DynamiCore and D.O.T. for durability and the ability to drill anyway you’d like and maintain the warranty.
Box Surface- 500/Factory Compound/Factory Polish      Color- Midnight Pearl
Recommended Cleaner: Brunswick Reaction Recharge
Juan Fonseca
Fill The Frames Bowling Services