Personally, I like the Delirium as a companion for the Meltdown. The Take Down is like a longer version of the Meltdown, whereas the Delirium is longer and offers more response off of friction. I feel like when the Meltdown is hooking too early or I can't get deep with it, I don't want the same motion with extra length, I want length and increased recovery.
Mad Antics is good when I've gotten deeper on the lane with the Delirium and there's too much oil in the midlane. I can switch from the Delirium to the Mad Antics, move 4/2 left (I'm right handed), and go back to striking.
To summarize: I like the MeltDown when playing straighter or trying to get something into a roll. I like the Delirium when there's lighter oil downlane, and I like the Mad Antics when playing deeper when I need some extra help over the Delirium.