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Columbia 300
Dusty Gem? Or not so much?
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Topic: Dusty Gem? Or not so much? (Read 10094 times)
Hero Member
Posts: 767
Dusty Gem? Or not so much?
August 15, 2013, 07:29:26 AM »
My sin and I were at a local center the other day. The second closest to our house. We were thinking of switching to this place for his juniors for a couple reasons and he wanted to go there again just to make sure.
Anyway...the pro shop had night time hours that day and I recently lost a finger grip so we went in. As I usually do, I checked out all the balls on display although I generally don't expect to see anything I haven't seen before. Well that wasn't the case. I saw a few balls that were completely unknown or that I knew to be fairly old. The one that I was unaware of turned out to be quite old and is the reason for this post.
He had on display both a 15 and 16 pound Columbia Action. New mind you. I looked it up later and saw that it was from ~2005(!!!). I noted that it was a solid with a super low RG (2.43 or thereabouts). Obviously predates the current 'legal' specs.
The price tag he has on them is under 100. Was/is this a good ball? The core specs alone have me interested based in my lower rev rate. In the whiskey world we call such a find a 'dusty'. Have I found one here?
Any thoughts would be appreciated.
Current bag:
DV8 Turmoil 2 Pearl
Radical Squatch hybrid
Motiv Forza GT
Hammer Black Widow Gold
DV8 Vandal
DV8 Creed Rebellion
Hero Member
Posts: 767
Re: Dusty Gem? Or not so much?
Reply #16 on:
September 11, 2013, 09:52:05 AM »
I would if it wasn't for the fact that I usually get blank stares whenever I ask an even moderately complex question in there. (Which would be any question beyond "how much does this cost?")
Too many good options to spend any more brain cells on this for my taste. Probably look to get a new ball as a birthday present in October. Just wont be this one.
Current bag:
DV8 Turmoil 2 Pearl
Radical Squatch hybrid
Motiv Forza GT
Hammer Black Widow Gold
DV8 Vandal
DV8 Creed Rebellion
Hero Member
Posts: 767
Re: Dusty Gem? Or not so much?
Reply #17 on:
October 19, 2013, 09:38:17 AM »
So I was looking at this again this morning during my sons league. It would appear it has a zero pin. CG is stamped right on top of the pin. Would that be a reason for an x-out? If so, what are the ramifications of such a thing? Big deal?
Current bag:
DV8 Turmoil 2 Pearl
Radical Squatch hybrid
Motiv Forza GT
Hammer Black Widow Gold
DV8 Vandal
DV8 Creed Rebellion
Impending Doom
Hero Member
Posts: 6288
Re: Dusty Gem? Or not so much?
Reply #18 on:
October 19, 2013, 09:43:58 AM »
Depends on what the top weight is. If its like 3.5 or more, you're going to be limited with what you can do. Less than 3, a few more options. 2 or below, more.
Full Member
Posts: 134
Re: Dusty Gem? Or not so much?
Reply #19 on:
October 19, 2013, 09:44:58 AM »
Probably so. That pretty much just limits you to a pin down drilling which has been a great layout on the action packed for me.
Hero Member
Posts: 767
Re: Dusty Gem? Or not so much?
Reply #20 on:
October 19, 2013, 09:52:56 AM »
For that ball I'd be looking for pin down layout anyway. Thanks for the quick reply. Back on my radar now.
Current bag:
DV8 Turmoil 2 Pearl
Radical Squatch hybrid
Motiv Forza GT
Hammer Black Widow Gold
DV8 Vandal
DV8 Creed Rebellion
Full Member
Posts: 134
Re: Dusty Gem? Or not so much?
Reply #21 on:
March 25, 2014, 03:57:18 PM »
Did you end up buying the Action? If decided not to could you provide me with the info? I'm in the market for one with a short pin.
Hero Member
Posts: 767
Re: Dusty Gem? Or not so much?
Reply #22 on:
March 25, 2014, 04:18:47 PM »
Didn't buy it, and it's been gone for a little while.
Current bag:
DV8 Turmoil 2 Pearl
Radical Squatch hybrid
Motiv Forza GT
Hammer Black Widow Gold
DV8 Vandal
DV8 Creed Rebellion
Full Member
Posts: 134
Re: Dusty Gem? Or not so much?
Reply #23 on:
March 25, 2014, 04:25:23 PM »
Oh okay man I appreciate the response.
Hero Member
Posts: 569
Re: Dusty Gem? Or not so much?
Reply #24 on:
May 03, 2014, 08:20:57 PM »
Wasn't Action balls the last produced in San Antonio?
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Columbia 300
Dusty Gem? Or not so much?