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Author Topic: EPX question. Is it just me or......  (Read 2635 times)


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EPX question. Is it just me or......
« on: November 18, 2006, 01:59:02 PM »
is the epoxy E.P.X. 1 ball not as strong as I had feared?

   I got one second-hand as our house has decided to flood the lanes.  It just so happened that the pro-shop had a used, already plugged 15lb.  Being as I needed something that would just eat the oil, and that is what I had heard these balls do, I got it.

   The first couple of balls, it read pretty early, but not too bad.  Then the shot started to carry down and this ball smoothed out quite a bit.

  Ended up with my feet on 38-40 and playing the 17th board at the arrows, out to about the 7th board at the breakpoint.  Ball came rolling back pretty hard and the carry was O.K.  Shot 652 with a 187 the first game.

   What I had really expected, being as what I had heard about this ball and the amount of hand release that I have, was that the ball would probably start too early and have to have a much smoother finish on it.  The shop had lightly used polish on it ( which I got them to take off with a wax emulsifying cleaner to make sure it all came off ).  I then had them go over it lightly with a worn out green scotchbrite pad.  I figure that left it at somewhere between 600 and 1000 finish.  ( I know the green pad is "grittier" that that, but this one is worn so badly that it wouldn't hardly make a mark on the ball without quite a bit of pressure being applied.)

  This ball really isn't that bad of a ball.  I would NEVER have tried it under any other circumstance, but the oily condition caught me with my proverbial pants down.  Just to tell you how surprised we were, I had been using an Ebonite Tornado warning, going from the 10th board at the arrows out to the 4th board at the breakpoint, and had left a few 9 pins with it.  Then it just completely quit hooking.  Now I know why.  The owner, after nine weeks of league and me getting my equipment set for a dry shot ( that, by the way, I had told him was too dry.  He wouldn't believe me until he saw it for himself.  Just sad I had to be the sacrificial lamb.) decided that they needed more oil, and man did we get it.

  All in all, I would have to say that performance wise, it is pretty good.  Now, lets hope the da*n thing doesn't fall apart on me.  Could I have been lucky enough to have gotten one of the good ones?????????????

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Re: EPX question. Is it just me or......
« Reply #1 on: November 18, 2006, 10:02:32 PM »
I had heard good things and bad things about the EPX and decided to try it out.  Apparently I didn't see enough oil for it, because the ball flat out did not hook for me.

I got lucky and it cracked, so I got a nice Action Packed to replace it, but I was pretty disapointed

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Re: EPX question. Is it just me or......
« Reply #2 on: November 19, 2006, 03:29:54 AM »
Buddy of mine (imjouster for those who know him on here) has an EPX T1.  He has it drilled with 1:30 pin CG 3/4 in. from Grip Center.  His ball does not hook anywhere close to what I was expecting it to.  Granted the ball has a nice even roll.  Ball is very predictable as well.  Personally from watching his is kinda reminds me of an Old Purple Reactive Hammer.  But that is just my opinion.
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Re: EPX question. Is it just me or......
« Reply #3 on: November 19, 2006, 07:36:14 AM »
Mine is drilled with the pin under the MIDDLE finger and the cg at 45degrees.  This left the cg in the palm, just below the midline with no x-hole.

  My track is farther from the finger/thumb holes than it used to be, but it still has a strong roll characteristic.  Not sure what my tilt and rotation are anymore since my track has moved.  Heck, I'm not really sure why, how, or even when it moved.  It used to be quite close to the holes, but a buddy of mine noticed it a couple of weeks ago that it has moved.  I hadn't even paid attention to it, but my scores have been up and down all year and this might be why.

  Anyways, just a lot different than I thought it would be.  I'll use it for a while and if I am impressed, I might just have to get a N.I.B. off e-bay.  They can be had pretty cheap I understand.

P.S. Something else wierd about it.  When I took it home and cleaned it, lots of whitish streaks appeared on it.  And it bleeds oil at the slightest touch of heat, even under just the heat of my hand it will bleed out.  Is this normal?

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Re: EPX question. Is it just me or......
« Reply #4 on: November 19, 2006, 01:08:44 PM »
And it bleeds oil at the slightest touch of heat, even under just the heat of my hand it will bleed out. Is this normal?

Mine does that too so I guess it's  normal.

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Re: EPX question. Is it just me or......
« Reply #5 on: November 19, 2006, 06:42:41 PM »
IF the lanes were flooded as you say, and you were able to play the line you described, the EPX more than did it's job.  It is supposed to be an extremely early, rolling ball made to hook when other won't.  The biggest mistake anyone could do is throw the EPX on a house shot with 22+ feet of dry boards and expect it to look as good as a ball that saves a ton of energy and makes a sharp left turn towards the pocket.  Also, every thing I've seen about the ball says to drill it extremely strong, i.e. 3 3/8" stacked.  You don't list your PAP, but your pin placement suggests a good bit weaker drilling for a "normal" PAP.
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Re: EPX question. Is it just me or......
« Reply #6 on: November 19, 2006, 07:11:43 PM »
I had heard good things and bad things about the EPX and decided to try it out.  Apparently I didn't see enough oil for it, because the ball flat out did not hook for me.

I got lucky and it cracked, so I got a nice Action Packed to replace it, but I was pretty disapointed

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you were disapointed at the way your driller drilled it or how the ball rolled. its not a good thing to drill every ball you have leverage?  I would seek a driller with some knowledge and stop blaming the ball.


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Re: EPX question. Is it just me or......
« Reply #7 on: November 19, 2006, 09:54:30 PM »
I have an EPX also and I have a pretty good amount of hand also I don't know how you have yours drilled but when I throw mine for the first time I it hooked ay to early so I had a small balencing hole put in it to push the ball down the lane further. It made all the differnce in the world. Specs for mine arl like this:

Pin is below and left of the fingers, Mass Bias out about 2 inches and PAP is about 4 1/2 inches out and then the balencing hole real small.

Make sure you clean it evary 12 games! hot water for about 20 minutes. Mine hooks about like yours does so dont be to worried. EPX is a little different it doesn't get affected by oil volume very much as long as there is alot juice on the lane it will hook almost the same regardless of where or how much volume you throw the ball into. I bet if you move farther left you will get the ball to recover a little better! give it a shot!
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Re: EPX question. Is it just me or......
« Reply #8 on: November 19, 2006, 09:58:52 PM »
I had heard good things and bad things about the EPX and decided to try it out.  Apparently I didn't see enough oil for it, because the ball flat out did not hook for me.

I got lucky and it cracked, so I got a nice Action Packed to replace it, but I was pretty disapointed

Made in the USA

you were disapointed at the way your driller drilled it or how the ball rolled. its not a good thing to drill every ball you have leverage?  I would seek a driller with some knowledge and stop blaming the ball.

Thank you I f you take care of this ball it will take care of you. Learn how the drill patterns work and you won't have that problem. And by the way it is never the ball's fault the ball only does what the bowler tells it to do. Stop blaming euipment cause YOU struggle. You must fix the problem.
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