Equipment Boards => Columbia 300 => Topic started by: xratedbowler on November 13, 2005, 11:36:54 AM
how come i didn't see anybody throwing it they were both wearing EPX real big lettering on the shirts. so why weren't they wearing action shirts instead? don't make no sense at all shoot if this supposed to be the future lets see the pros throwing it on national tv! who's with me on this!
formally known as charles76
absolute inferno
the professonial
big block diesel
the one
Good question!
It would be because of the lighting they set up for the TV finals drys the lanes up pritty well, and the EPX sucks alot of oil off the lanes, So on tv the tend to use balls that don't burn up so much and use weaker drillings. If any of the Columbia300 guys make it to the Finals for the US open. You might see an EPX T1.
Yup, mild pearl reactives (Power Drives, I think?) with pin under bridge. Smooth and controllable.
DizzyFugu --- Reporting from Germany
Team "X":
"All that we see or seem, is but a dream within a dream..." - Edgar Allen Poe
Edited on 11/14/2005 4:01 AM
Yup, mild pearl reactives (Power Drives, I think?) with pin under bridge. Smooth and controllable.
DizzyFugu --- Reporting from Germany
Team "X":
"All that we see or seem, is but a dream within a dream..." - Edgar Allen Poe
Edited on 11/14/2005 4:01 AM
Wrong, stromg solid reactives (Action) with pin under finger. Oh and to why they arent throwing EPX, well, the EPX's really suck a lot and crack. Columbia dosnt want a pro throwing a EPX on national TV to have it come back all cracked and chipped up. So they do? They throw a better ball and advertise for the more expencive garbage.
"Strike for show, spare for dough"

Im A Hammer Head 100%
Edited on 11/14/2005 5:33 AM
The way the tour is now is to throw what guves you a chance to win and regain exemption than to look good and throw the latest and greatest.... On each of those patterns the Action gives a better look.
Just like with every other company, you don't see the flagship ball being used on TV much. Most of the pros have so much hand compared to the average league bowler that the high end balls are overkill in their hands. For the most part you see Big Times, Over Times, Slashes Zone Classics... a lot of the mid priced lines.
Penn State Proud
Ron Clifton's Bowling Tip Archive (http://"")
I remember when Traber made a show and he used an Animal. He made that ball look horrible as well! *sigh*.....
People will throw what helps them score.
I've seen Chris Barnes throw the EPX (a while back in August) and WOW! That ball is a beast; but then again, the high volume middle and dry outside house shot makes most balls looks awesome.
I would also like to see the EPX used more, but I'd much rather see people shoot 299 with the perfect ball for the condition
Evolutionary. Revolutionary.
I've never been impressed with the Ultimate Inferno from what I've seen ... however, my friend just got one and he matches up really well to Brunswick equipment. The ball is just awesome in his hands!
Evolutionary. Revolutionary.
Matchup, matchup, matchup...that's what it's all about.
...formerly "The Curse of Dusty," and "Poöter Boöf" before that...
I have no idea if you're right or not Sixcranker, but the thing we kept hearing at the beginning was that the weight block wasn't supposed to make much, if any, difference in the EPX.
Penn State Proud
Ron Clifton's Bowling Tip Archive (http://"")
This is the wrong forum on all the Brunswick stuff but didn't Traber not strike over and over with tthe Absolute Inferno all day and then take the Ultimate and strike easily a few times.
After blaming the condition!
Even pros will miss the matchup some times!
It is so easy to see these mistakes from my couch!
Proud owner of a 140 first game average this year! Don't bowl me the second two games though! (two warm up balls in league..thanks proprietors)
Hey guys I was wondering if you can help me out. My Proshop pro was going to drill me one of these up. I've seen alot of not so gret reviews about it but im just trying to get more feed back. Im looking for a ball for long oil patterns that has a strong and continues arc to the pocket. I don't want something that burns up like quick and then flattens out. Any suggestions? I currently throw an Atomic Charge for medium to medium dry. Looking for something that has more bite. I prefer and arc over a skid snap. Anything would be help. My specs are I throw around 18mph not a cranker but I do put some revs on the ball. Thanks for the info in advance.
Damn not another 10 pin 
Edited on 11/17/2005 2:54 PM
Well first if they are sponsored they will ware the newest shirts to help sell the balls. The sponsored and unsponsored bowlers must use balls that will match up well to the lane conditions/carry. I have had a chance to throw the EPX and it is a beast. However not worth the $240 (high end stuff at the pro shop I go to is $220ish) it doesn't even really hook as much as they say it will. My Brunswick Rampage out hooks it by 10 boards overall.
Zack Pelton
Bowl To Win!!!
I doubt your Rampage out hooks the EPX on a heavy oil type shot. I'm guessing that you bowl on a walled up house shot and expect the EPX to be able to cover boards and have a huge backend. If that's what you expected, then your Pro Shop guy sold you the wrong ball.
I agree that it may not be worth the cost to some people, but to others it's worth every penny, especially when it suits your game and/or the conditions for which the ball is at its best.