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Author Topic: Took the Drive for a Drive: First Impressions  (Read 1255 times)


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Took the Drive for a Drive: First Impressions
« on: October 14, 2004, 04:44:20 AM »
This comes out the box at a super high gloss.  Just for kicks we took the 4 inch pin, put it 2 inches above the middle finger, and the C.G under the ring with the mass bias above and a little right of the thumb.  No weighthole.  Our first guess was that this thing was going to go dead straight and be great on the second shift and 3rd game transition.


What this ball does is very similar(almost too similar) to the Brunswick Inferno.  It completely ignores the heads like it's skating on ice, then at 40 feet you see this incredible read(The white and yellow logos start revving up incredibly fast) and this thing makes a sharp kick left.  This ball gave us about 5 more boards of area at the breakpoint when throwing it on the same line side by side with a Buzzsaw Uranium, Green Messenger, Silver Streak Solid, and Killer Instinct Pearl.  With three different users using the same ball for about 15-20 shots a piece, only 1 tenpin was left.  Flush hits carried everything and with this ball giving us so much area down the lane it was hard to throw anything but flush strikes.

While I am not a big fan of Columbia's selling tactics, they did make a nice little ball here that rivals any company's big backend piece.


Mr Bass

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Re: Took the Drive for a Drive: First Impressions
« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2004, 06:43:55 PM »
Ouch! Nice review by the way...
Just looking at that ball has me thinking "should I get one for that 3rd game so I don't have to move left 10 boards? LOL". What would be a better drilling for it when that time comes: leverage or max hook?
"Smokey this is not 'Nam this is bowling, there are rules"


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Re: Took the Drive for a Drive: First Impressions
« Reply #2 on: October 18, 2004, 12:18:04 PM »
The Drive is officially awesome everyone.  My college teammate used it this past weekend to avg 225 for 9 games at the Pennsylvania Collegiate Classic to take 7th place.  What an great ball.

p.s. It's very versitile and handles lane transitions very well