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Author Topic: First thoughts on Sharp Noize  (Read 2023 times)

BuddiesProShopcom - Tim

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First thoughts on Sharp Noize
« on: December 05, 2009, 10:20:18 AM »
Drilled my first Sharp Noize the same as my Cool Noize (55*x5 1/4"x40*).  Tried it after a big men's league.  There was still a bit too much volume for me to really see how the ball reacted in its intended condition.  However, I found the new Sharp Noize to be about 4 boards less with my feet compared to a Freeze and Cool Noize.  This ball just pushes through the front part of the lane a lot more than the other two balls.

I worked a demo day in Cranston, RI today and got to try it on a lighter volume condition, which is where I really saw that "sharp" angle that everyone has been talking about.  This ball really gets down the lane and make a huge move at the spot, much, much more angular than my Freeze (which starts up a tad earlier).  On that pattern, the new Sharp Noize looked very long/strong for a variety of player styles.

This looks like its gonna be a very useful ball for most competitive bowlers,  If there is a demo day in your area, be sure to try the Sharp Noize, you will be pleasantly surprised.
Columbia 300 Staff
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Re: First thoughts on Sharp Noize
« Reply #1 on: December 16, 2009, 06:17:32 PM »
I''ve had mine for a few weeks now, and mine is totally opposite from what you said, I can''t seem to find enough oil.
I drilled mine 4 X 4 with a 1 1/2 in pin buffer ended up pin above fingers and to the right of ring xtra hole needed.
I am not having a problem getting the ball to turn the corner, going to drill another one tomorrow 5 X 5 with a 3 in pin buffer, maybe that''ll give me the added length that I am looking for

Also, recieved my Pure Swing today so will probably drill that one too
Dale Williams
Columbia 300 Utah Amateur Staff

Edited on 12/16/2009 7:52 PM


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Re: First thoughts on Sharp Noize
« Reply #2 on: December 17, 2009, 01:47:02 PM »

I was going to say that the lack of length is most likely due to the 4x4 drill, which is pretty strong.  I think the other drill you mentioned should take care of that.  

In general, I don't really have a ball that I like on the burn or for bowling cneters that "hook out of the building" and there are a few in town.  I had an Arch Rival for a while that I liked, so I'm thinking about giving this one a try.


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Re: First thoughts on Sharp Noize
« Reply #3 on: December 24, 2009, 03:34:06 AM »
This ball right here is needed to be in every bowlers bag out there. If you bowl in a league or tournament with light oil you will find a lot of success with the Sharp Noize. It is that ball that is made for dryer lanes but will still give you the "POP" ya need to drive through the pins without rolling out or over hooking. LENGTH is what this ball knows what to do and still has a "SHARP" turn right into the pocket. I keep mine at 4000 with polish. When others can not stop their ball from over hooking and they see that i am still able to play near the track I tell them about this ball!
In Best Regards,
Brian Hirsch
Columbia 300 Amateur Staff
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Re: First thoughts on Sharp Noize
« Reply #4 on: December 24, 2009, 09:00:26 AM »
Should this ball be drilled a little strong to prevent too much length. How does it compare to the Dead Flush
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Re: First thoughts on Sharp Noize
« Reply #5 on: December 24, 2009, 09:34:29 AM »
I dont know about everyone elses thoughts but my Sharp NoiZe is stronger then my dead flush on the backend.

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Re: First thoughts on Sharp Noize
« Reply #6 on: December 24, 2009, 02:24:01 PM »
I agree, my Sharp NoiZe is much more ball than my Dead Flush,

I did drill my second Sharp NoiZe ( 5 X 5 x 3), and it indeed gives me the length I was looking for in the Sharp NoiZe, and it is very strong off the friction.
Dale Williams
Columbia 300 Utah Amateur Staff