bluerrpilot I think you are way off.
The loud is not more rolly than the cool noize.
The Noize is the most early and even reaction out of the 3 Noize.
Cool Noize is longer and stronger than Noize because of a higher grit at 2000 and pearl mica added.
Loud Noize again is longer and stronger than Cool Noize because of higher grit and polish, 4000 + polish and pearl mica added.
they are all 3 with the same core with no modification. All 3 has 2.56rg and 40 in diff. so how can you say that the Loud Noize is more rolly and sooner than cool noize when the core is the same, so all the diffrence is in the cover. so what you are basicly saying is that 4000+polish is sooner than 2000 no polish.
I have all 3 drilled 45*5*35 pin above and between fingers same drill and same spec on all 3 before drill. and the loud is alot longer and more snappy at the back than cool noize. cool noize is a good medium ball.
Edited on 8/27/2009 6:24 AM