I live in Chicago, Il. Mind you, I cannot remember everyone of the balls, these are the ones that stick on in my mind. Never left them in cars, or any where else that have had extreme temperatures. Never having many games on them either. In my 25+ years, I have tried probably close to 500 balls. Here is a brief list:
AMF- Nighthawk Tour Menace
Brunswick- None (never had owned many)
Columbia- Super Trooper, Full Throttle, Richocet, Rage,
Ebonite- Killer Instinct Pearl, Apex Adrenaline, 8 Ball, Matrix Trimax, Apex
Hammer- Vicous Pearl Reactive
Lane 1- Pink Rapsberry
Lane Master/Azo- None
Morich- None
Roto Grip- None
Storm- None
Track- Black Stomp, Nuke, Elite (3 or 4)
Got Revs?
Edited on 8/6/2006 7:14 AM